What didn't he do? How can I be despised by my brother-in-law? There is no reason for this.

"OK, Tianchang, I'm ok. Are we coming soon?" Ningmengyao stretched out and asked. After a day's sleep, she didn't know where she was now.


"Find a place to rest." Ning Mengyao looked at Yu Jing and said.

"To get to the nearest town, it'll take midnight to get there." They're in a carriage. They can't walk too fast.

"Then find a place to rest all night." Qiao Tianchang speaks in a deep voice. No one here can't bear hardships.

Wen Yujing was immediately excited: "OK, it's very good outside."

They found a place outside to rest for a night, and then they began to make their way.

The next afternoon, they arrived at Wen's house.

Seeing a few people who had already left in their family scared Yujing.

"Didn't sister say that people had left?" Seeing people for a moment, Wen Yujing subconsciously looks at Ning Mengyao beside him and asks.

Ning Mengyao looked at Wen Yujing in confusion and said, "I didn't tell you, is there anyone who could easily be uncle and stay at Wen's house?"

"Did you tell me?" When did she say that Yu Jing was angry?

"Speak as you speak. What's the big voice for? It's like no one can hear. " Qiao Tianchang is dissatisfied and glares at Wen Yujing.

Wen Yujing made a surrendering look: "brother in law, I'm wrong, I'm wrong."

"Well, don't you know later? As for that? Is it humiliating to lose it? "

Wen Yujing stops talking. He'd better be quiet. Qiao Tianchang will slap him later. He can't bear Qiao Tianchang's slap.

"Are you all ready?"

"My sister-in-law can rest assured that we have prepared the things to be prepared these days, and have released the news of the cooperation between Wenjia and tongbaozhai according to my sister-in-law's wishes." Wen Yumin quickly said.

Ning Mengyao nodded with great satisfaction: "very good."

"Sister, when shall we leave?" Wen Yujing really didn't want to stay in this place. He was really worried about staying in this place. He could not help fighting against the Xiao family.

Ning Mengyao looked at Wen Yujing, frowned and said, "go tomorrow."


"Well, leave in a big way. The Shaw family can't care about us now." Tongbaozhai's trouble for the Xiao family will leave them no time to find trouble.

Wen Yumin looked at Ning Mengyao, and after a while he said, "you are right, sister-in-law. Recently, the Xiao family is really busy, but why do you want to fight against the Xiao family, sister-in-law?"

"Nothing." What Ning Mengyao wanted to say was to see Wen Yujing shake his head quietly, but at last he didn't go on.

Wen Yumin looks at Ning Mengyao, but he doesn't think it's OK.

Xiao Youran looked at the expression of their ancestors, and his body was shaking.

"Old Zu Ning Mengyao has come here. Will she continue to fight against the Xiao family?" Ning Mengyao just throws bait to their partners, and those people get hooked, but what can they do?

Although it doesn't have much influence now, if it continues like this, what will it become? It's really not good. What she worries most is what ningmengyao will do next.

The ancestor of the Xiao family looked at Xiao leisurely and said, "what you need to care about is not this, but how to let Xiao Zitian put all his thoughts in the Xiao family."