Wen Yujing shook his head decisively: "I'm not so stupid. I don't want to go back. I just need to know that they are uncomfortable." Ningmengyao reached out to touch Yujing's head and said, "don't think so much. I will revenge you."

The more the two brothers listen, the more they think something is wrong.

"What are you talking about, sister-in-law? What's the matter with Xiao's family? " Wen Yumin looked at Wen Yujing and asked.

Ningmengyao shrugs and doesn't speak, but that way makes them worry more.

"What is your expression? Don't look at me. Go ask the junior myself. " Seeing that they didn't speak, the two brothers looked at her directly, and were immediately dissatisfied.

The eyes of the two turned again, and they heard Yu Jing's body: "little three, do you have anything to tell us?"

Wen Yujing reached out and touched his nose. After thinking about it, he opened his mouth and said, "it's nothing. It's just that I was injured by those people and almost died."

"Wounded? Almost dead, just to pay it back? " Wen Yumin and his wife immediately became angry: "what's going on?"

Wen Yujing shrunk his neck and thought that since he had said everything, he would go on to say it again. When he saved, they would make trouble for themselves, which would not be worth the loss.

After hearing Yu Jing's words, their faces were black.

"Son of a bitch, don't tell us. You're good at it?" Wen Yumin said angrily.

"Are you out of order, junior?"

"Help me, sister." Wen Yujing rushes to Ning Mengyao's side.

Ningmengyao didn't have any compassion to push people aside and said, "I think you should be taught a little lesson, so you should be disciplined obediently."

Wen Yujing looked at Ning Mengyao and saw that he could not save his life. Then he was frightened: "no, sister."

Ning Mengyao couldn't help laughing: "little three obey."

"Yuanbao." Wen Yujing looks at Yuanbao and thinks he can't do the same to himself?

Yuanbao will protect Wen Yujing. He doesn't have much expression in his eyes. He looks at the two brothers and frowns tightly.

"Yuanbao, it's illegal for you to protect people like this."

"I will."

"Poof." Ningmengyao burst out laughing. No matter how you listen to this, it seems strange.

Wen Yumin frowned and looked at Yuanbao: "Yuanbao..."

"I will protect him. When he returns, he will practice martial arts with Yu Feng and protect himself in the future." Yuanbao said without blinking.

Wen Yujing made a proud expression to his two brothers: "big brother, second brother, shouldn't we say this now?"

He glared at Wen Yujing fiercely, then looked at Ning Mengyao: "sister in law, we don't want to establish our own door after we go, you can take us in."

"Don't worry about what you have to do. We are short of people." Ning Mengyao said mercilessly.

“……” Wen Yumin's mouth slightly twitches. They have a sense of vision of falling into a wolf's nest.

Yuanbao took a sympathetic look at the two men. They had already calculated for him. It was interesting to hear that Yumin and them even sent them to their home.

"Good luck to you." Yuanbao thought about it, and looked at them and said seriously.

Wen Yujing looked at Wen Yumin and then looked at Yuanbao with a smile and said, "Yuanbao, you forget, and you will follow brother Muchen later."