"I have nothing to worry about. Your master is worried too much." Meiruolin was very helpless to say.

"Teacher Niang is worried about you." You know, Mei Ruolin even used martial arts last month, which almost didn't frighten Yu Feng.

Since then, even if Yufeng is not around, she will find someone to accompany meiruolin.

"He is Hiss, it hurts. " When meiruolin wanted to say something, her eyebrows were all frowned together, and her expression was very painful.

"You What's the matter with you? " Shisong is the first time to encounter such a situation. For a moment, he didn't know what to do.

"Go to find Qingshuang and grandma Qin. In addition, call Yao'er. After all the others call, you can call your master back." Meiruolin said in pain.

Shisong quickly nodded: "I know I'll go right away."

When Ning Mengyao heard that Shi song was about to give birth, they ran to her, and even Ziling, who had just given birth to a baby, went with her, holding a baby in her arms.

That's Jiang Ying's son, Jiang Xun. This child was born as a drug man. His blood can detoxify hundreds of poisons, but it's also highly toxic. Even so, this child is Jiang Ying's treasure pimple. In normal times, it's not good that he has Ziling. Otherwise, I don't know if he will cultivate people.

When Yufeng came back, meiruolin had been living for nearly an hour. She only heard the voice of pain and the voice of mother Qin's calm.

Yufeng feels that he is really going to faint. Now he knows why Qiao Tianchang said nothing to let ningmengyao have another child. Isn't that torture?

Yu Feng hurriedly turns around at the door, and Ning Mengyao's head is dizzy.

"Brother in law, don't turn any more. I'm dizzy when you turn." Ning Mengyao can't help it at last, he said angrily.

Yu Feng took a look at Ning Mengyao without any words, and said with great dissatisfaction, "you know what Xiaoyao's brother-in-law is worried about? You certainly don't know. Just ask Tianchang. "

“……” She wants to fight the wind directly. What should she do?

Qiao Tianchang stood by Ning Mengyao, listening to the voice in the room, frowning tightly: "so that's why I don't want you to be pregnant again."


"Wow." Finally, the cry of the child came out of the room, which made Yu Feng almost fall to the ground.

"Congratulations to the wind master, a young lady." Besides sugar and sugar, Reese, now they have another little girl.

Yufeng is totally stupid. He looks at Qingshuang stupidly: "Qingshuang is her daughter?"

"Yes." Qingshuang nodded quietly.

"Hahahaha, that's great. It's my daughter. How is Ruolin?" Yufeng is happy, but he doesn't forget his wife.

"Miss may is very good and energetic."

"That's good. I want to see the children." Said Yu Feng excitedly.

Feng Xiao looked at Yu Feng's appearance and couldn't help shaking his head: "this is what you are like when the baby is just born. Yu Feng is sure to be a daughter slave when your girl grows up."

"Isn't Tianchang the same?" Said Yu Feng discontentedly.

"You are wrong. Tianchang is not a daughter slave. He is a wife slave. His children and Mengyao are always the first. Tianchang is cruel to sugar and sugar. Are you ok?" Feng Xiao looked at Yu Feng contemptuously. If you want to dislike more, you will dislike more.