Jomo Shang looked at the white clothes innocently: "Uncle white clothes, we didn't do anything."


White clothes squint at the little things in front of them. Although they look very clever and obedient now, why are there only two words in his mind?

"Well, boys, no matter what you are going to do, you'd better go to training, old rules, remember." White said with a smile.

If he had said that before, they would have gone away. But this time, nothing happened? It's a bit unusual.

Reach out and touch your chin. Look at these little things from the top to the bottom of your white clothes. At the same time, you are also interested in what they want to do.

"We're gone."

There is Jomo in front of the war, the rest of the people quickly ran out, which makes the white clothes some doubt whether his premonition is wrong.

Run away of Joe Mo sad insidious smile, they are abnormal, not abnormal, how to let them relax vigilance?

Huangfu Qing looked at Qiao moshang's side and said, "when are you going to start?"

"Be a good boy for a few days." Jomo said with a smile.

“……” Huangfu Qing suddenly had a very bad premonition that they were going to be unlucky this time.

Sure enough, a few days later, they were still practicing as usual, but this time they didn't do what they wanted.

"Is it boring for uncle white to train us every day?" Jomo Shang said with a smile.

The body of Huangfu Qing and Zhao Mingyu on his side shook subconsciously, and then looked at Qiao moshang. It was bad intention for him to look like this. But unexpectedly, the white clothes didn't find the abnormality of Qiao moshang. It's because he was so obedient in recent days that the white clothes have forgotten what kind of character Qiao moshang is?

Naturally, the white clothes don't forget Jomo Shang's character, but they are a bit bored recently. These boys are so obedient recently that they can't find a place to start.

Now that Jomo Shang has offered to do so, there must be something interesting.

"Boy, just say what you want to do." White is not a fool either. Naturally, I know what is the reason for Qiao moshang's recent cleverness.

Qiao Mo Shang looked at the white clothes with a smile: "in fact, we don't want to do anything, just want to compete with you, we lost whatever you like, but the same, if you lose, we let you do anything, you are not allowed to resist."

The people in white and nearby immediately became interested, reached out and touched their chin, said smilingly, "are you sure you want to do that with us, boy?"

"Sure, sure." Jomo Shang nodded very seriously. Did they think he was just joking?

The people on the side saw Qiao moshang like this and couldn't help laughing. This time, they must take a good breath of malice.

Several people in white look at Qiao moshang and agree happily: "OK, you should be careful, because if you lose, we won't be merciful."

Qiao Mo mourns Ao Jiao's hum: "we also won't be merciful to you."

After discussing the game, Jomo Shang whispered something in Doudou's ear as long as two people could hear it.

"What did you say to Doudou?"

"Then you will know."