"Tea and tea you go to the wind erosion to see what's going on." Ning Mengyao pointed to the man on the bed.


After tea and tea inspection, his brow slightly wrinkled up, and after a long time, he said: "Mom, I can only say that he is still alive, which is a miracle."

"Is the wind erosion very serious?" Ningmengyao looks at the person on the bed, in the heart some worry, is difficult not to come true like this to die?

Tea nodded: "it's very obvious that if we follow their treatment, the final result may be that people will lie in bed for the rest of their lives."

Their treatment has no effect at all. He is injured in all organs. What effect does it have when they give him medicine to treat internal injury?

"Can that be cured?" Ningmengyao didn't speak, but Xiao Zitian asked anxiously.

He didn't expect that there would be so much harm. Fortunately, he went to the general's office and brought these people to him.

Tea and tea nodded casually: "we have to be sure, or what shall we do?"

Xiao Zitian really didn't want to talk to tea at all. The child was very striking.

"When can he wake up with tea and tea?" There are still some things he doesn't know very well. He needs to ask Xiao Zixun to know.

"I'm not sure. We're going to take people away. It's not suitable for treatment." And there's nothing. They need to take some medicine and get it. It's too much trouble.

"OK, I'll let Yun zero go back with you." Xiao Zi asked without thinking.

Ningmengyao gave Xiao Zitian a bad look and raised his hand to give him a slap: "let him help you here, I see you are not so good now, more people and more people help, wind erosion will be given to us, rest assured, next time we meet, you will see a live wind erosion."

"Auntie, I......"

"Don't talk too much. Just listen to me. Remember what I said to you." Ning Mengyao looked at Xiao Zi and said in a cold voice.

Xiao Zitian was silent for a moment, then nodded, "I know."

In fact, Yun Yi is grateful to Ning Mengyao. She treats Xiao Zitian like an ordinary person.

"Thank you very much, madam." Said Yun Yi respectfully.

Ningmengyao took a look at them and said casually, "thank you so much, don't say more. I'll work hard for my little monkey in the future."

“……” Xiao Zitian and Yun look at Ning Mengyao with a very speechless eyes at the same time. Can't she make them moved for a while?

"No, because it's true." Ning Mengyao said with a smile.

Xiao Zitian looked at Ning Mengyao with serious expression: "when I have finished my work, I will go to the general's office."

There are things he yearns for in that place, where they may also get a lot of things, he is looking forward to, looking forward to standing with them.

As soon as cloud looked at Xiao Zitian, he didn't say anything. In fact, Xiao Zitian already knew about this matter. Xiao Zitian would have such an idea, which would not make people feel confused at all, because they are also looking forward to everything in the general's mansion.

Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao mofeng with a smile: "feng'er, do you think we have made a lot of money?"

"Mom, I don't think we need to worry about people if it's all." Before I went to Wen's house, I gave them my family. Now they don't have any complaints to help them. They feel inferior to each other in this way.