Xiao Zitian picked up his eyebrows and looked at Yun Yi: "since you can't say that, what are you worried about?"

If those people can know, they won't make it like this now. Ning Mengyao said they have more cards than they thought. Do they think it's OK to mix them? It's naive.

"My subordinates think more." Cloud a silent moment, then said.

"Let's go and see how they're going to play." Xiao Zitian said with a smile.

Yunyi is behind xiaozixun. Looking at the people in front of him, xiaozixun is firm and serious, as if nothing can defeat him.

However, maybe only they know how many things are hidden in Xiao Zi's heart.

"In fact, you can take advantage of this time to go around." Since they are all puppets, it doesn't matter if they have him?

"You are so naive. Even if you want me to be a puppet, they will not let me go so easily. Do you know why?" Xiao Zitian smiled at Yun Yi.

Yun Yi didn't speak. He actually understood Xiao Zixun's meaning, but It is because I understand his meaning that I feel very sad.

"Ha ha, you can rest assured as soon as cloud one, they won't do anything to me now." They just need him in this place now. As for others, they can't see him at all.

A disobedient person has no effect on them.

"Young master..."

"Come on, let's go."

When Xiao Zitian came to that place, the people there all ignored him. That made Yunyi angry, but Xiao Zitian didn't have any reaction.

After returning to his residence, Xiao Zitian looked at cloud one by one: "if they want to ignore it, they will ignore it. Don't do much."

Yunyi is still a little reluctant. How can their young master be treated like this?

"They can't be crazy for a long time. Don't pick things at this time. Do you hear me?" Xiao Zitian looked at Yun Yi and said seriously.


The people of the Xiao family now really regard Xiao Zitian as a transparent person. For them, Xiao Zitian's only role is to wait for them to win the kingdom of Xiao.

They don't know what will happen when they win.

The people of the Xiao family have changed since their arrival. They have become unusual principals and do things recklessly.

Qiao Tianchang looks at the people at the gate and slightly hooks up.

"Tianchang, why do you laugh?" Muchen looks at Qiao Tianchang strangely. Is he confused by Qi? Why are you so happy with your smile?

Qiao Tianchang looks at Muchen and smiles: "do you think they are different in the morning?"

Muchen took a look and then shook his head. He didn't find anything wrong.

"They're only here to test. Of course, they want to disturb our military mind at the same time." Joe said with a smile.

Muchen reached out his hand and rubbed his own heartless, but showed his hands: "I'm really not fit to do these things."

Qiao Tianchang couldn't help laughing: "people have their own specialties, and inform the people that the war is about to start."

As early as ten days ago, he had written the memorial, and sent it to Xiao Qitian in an urgent manner. I'm afraid it's here now?

Muchen nodded, went down from the tower, and then wrote a notice and pasted it at the gate of the city.

When the people knew that the war was about to begin, they had no worries at all. Unlike before, they also have the ability of self-protection. Women and children are ready to help at any time.

Lei An and Shi song came to Qiao Tianchang's house and discussed the matter in his study.

"Boss, are we going to fight or not?"

"Why fight?" Joe Tianchang smiled strangely, and the smile made Ryan feel cool.

Ryan swallowed his saliva: "what do you want to do, boss?"

He is really familiar with this expression. It was the same when he fought with Qiao Tianchang. When he showed this expression, someone would suffer.