Ning Mengyao chuckled: "how can we not treat them well when we come from afar?"

Qiao Tianchang looked at Ning Mengyao for a long time and then said, "Yao Yao will do this for you."

Looking at Ning Mengyao's ill intentioned appearance, Lei An thinks these people are going to have a lot of bad luck.

"Don't worry, I will treat them well." Ningmengyao will treat two words of biting is particularly heavy.

Ryan shook his body: "sister in law, I think they will be very unlucky."

"Do you mean I will abuse them?"

"No, why? I think you will treat them well. " Ryan laughs. Anyway, he looks like he has some legs.

Ning Mengyao snorted coldly and said playfully, "I've gone to find a junior."

"What can I do to find Wen Yujing?" Ryan asked subconsciously.

"Of course, we will discuss how to entertain these guests from afar." Ning Mengyao smiled unkindly.

Qiao Tianchang's eyes flashed a thick smile: "Yao Yao don't go too far."

"Don't worry, I'm gone. You go on."

Lei An looked at Ning Mengyao's happy departure and couldn't help swallowing his saliva: "are you sure that my sister-in-law won't do anything?"

"Don't worry, your sister-in-law has her own discretion."

Yu Feng takes a look at Qiao Tianchang. He believes in Ning Mengyao very much, but he doesn't know that if Ning Mengyao really plays, they will feel headache. This person is so relieved that they don't know what to say.

"Tianchang, you'd better let xiaoyao'er take it easy. It's fatal for her to play."

"If they have tea and tea, even if there is only one breath left, people can survive." Qiao Tianchang didn't care a bit.

Yufeng choked for a while, but he had nothing to say, because he was so right that he had nothing to say.

Ningmengyao went to Wen Yujing and told him what she was going to do. He immediately became interested.

"My sister-in-law, our name is Yuanbao. He used to be the Lord of the city. It's very clear how to entertain people." Wen Yujing said excitedly.

"Don't worry, we can take our time and think slowly. There are probably five days left for people to arrive. In these five days, we can get everything ready." Said Ning Mengyao, squinting.

Wen Yujing reached out and touched his chin, his eyes brightened, then he kept looking at Ning Mengyao.

"What's your bad idea again? Say it directly? " As soon as ningmengyao saw him like this, he knew that he was upset.

Wen Yujing laughs: "elder sister, it's nothing. Let's ask Shan lightning to get some wolves for us."

Ningmengyao's eyelids beat for a while, watching Wen Yujing silently. Is that really good?

"Elder sister, I'm serious with you. Look, when they come, let lightning and wolf stand at the door to meet them. How windy it is." Wen Yujing said excitedly.

"Are you sure it won't frighten those people for good or ill?" Ning Mengyao asked with black thread.

Wen Yujing said unkindly, "elder sister, what you said is to take good care of others. It's not to treat others well, is it?"


"Isn't that right? I'm afraid they want to show you and my brother-in-law face when they come. " Wen Yujing snorted and said.

Ningmengyao reached for her chin, her eyes thoughtful, as if to consider whether it was feasible or not.

Wen Yujing looks at Ning Mengyao stupidly: "elder sister, do you think it's ok?"

"I think it works." Ning Mengyao nodded quietly. In fact, she wanted to see what the scene would look like.

Wen Yujing throws a proud expression at Yuanbao. In that way, Yuanbao can turn around silently, which is already enough willful. Does ningmengyao really have any problem?

"Madam, you do this..." Yuanbao considered the words and wanted to make ningmengyao not so fond of hearing Yujing, but before he had finished speaking, he was interrupted by ningmengyao.

"It's good to do that."