Hearing Yu Jing's cold smile, he didn't want to go too far. He just wanted to give those people a try, but now he doesn't play these people to death.

"Yuanbao, go to the general, tell him what they said and what they did, and then ask him to write a memorial and send it to the capital in an urgent manner." Ning Mengyao said quietly.

Wen Yujing's eyes turned around, and then he smiled insidiously: "sister, I know what you want to do."


After Yuanbao left, Ning Mengyao crouched down and looked at the lightning: "lightning call your people, the more the better." She's going to see how those people get down this step.

The lightning moved many people. Suddenly the wolf howled. It was very loud. Even Joe Tianchang in the army heard it.

"It seems that Tianchang did something to make xiaoyao'er angry." The wind listened to the howl of the lightning and frowned.


Yu Feng sees Qiao Tianchang like this, and suddenly feels bored, but he doesn't say anything.

The sound of lightning, one after another, was nothing at the beginning, but slowly people felt that they heard a lot of wolves howling.

And their idea is not an illusion. After the lightning stops howling, people hear a lot of howling, and then they see a lot of gray wolves running around.

"Madam This... "

"Don't they want to come? The etiquette we should have has arrived. As for the rest, they will do it by themselves. " Ning Mengyao snorted coldly.

The people on the side suddenly shrunk their necks. They suddenly felt that the lady was terrible.

Wen Yujing lies on the body of the lightning and says, "don't let anyone enter the city by the lightning. Do you know that people are stopped by the lightning?"

The officials in the border town and the common people were twitching, but they soon became excited. After waiting for so long, did they deserve it?

"Well, do what you have to do, do what you have to do, eat what you have to eat."

"Madame, can we stay here and watch?" Some officials asked.

"You are free. Remember to find a cool place to watch. You'd better get something to eat. How can you go to the theatre without food?" Ning Mengyao smiled and gave them advice.


Wen Yujing looked at the soldiers guarding the city and said, "remember, elder brothers, it's animals. We can't talk to them."

"Remember." Those people dare to do this to their wives. They will not frighten them to death. They will also make them half dead.

Wen Yujing nodded contentedly: "elder sister, let's go back to have dinner. We are already hungry."

"OK, let's go."

Ten miles away from the border city, the accompanying royal doctor looked angrily at the people who the old God was waiting for: "what do you want to do? General Qiao is a genuine General of Zhenguo. Do you want to show him the face? "

"You're in a hurry. You go by yourself, and no one stops you."

All the Royal doctors turned white: "let's go, I still don't believe it. We can't go to the border city if we buckle down our things."

"Let's go."

When all the Royal doctors came to the border city in a panic, they saw that a large group of wolves were cold.

Wen Yujing looked at these embarrassed people coming, frowned slightly, stood on the city floor and shouted, "who are you?"

"We are the Royal doctors sent by the emperor. Because those behind us have withheld their accompanying things, we are late." One of them seems to have a high qualification, he said.

Wen Yujing looked at their embarrassed appearance. Everyone carried a medicine box on his back. There was nothing else. It seemed that he was not lying.

"Let them in." Ning Mengyao's voice came from nowhere.

Wen Yujing shrugged, jumped down from the city tower, looked at the lightning and said, "lightning let them into the city."

The lightning eyes gave the Royal doctors a sharp look, and then called out. The wolves who blocked the city gate slowly spread out and left a way for them.