Qiao Tianchang is silent, but then shakes his head: "it's OK, you're OK."

All of a sudden, the man on the ground whose tongue was pulled out by Joe Tianchang smiled ferociously, and the voice was really weird.

In his laughter, a signal bomb exploded not far away. When he saw that signal bomb, the smiles on the faces of several people on the ground became more, and the two people who had their tongues pulled out laughed even madly.

"Ha ha, it's over, everything's over, Qiao Tianchang. You're a general in vain, and you've plotted against people in vain. Isn't it the same that you've been deceived?"

Qiao Tianchang looks at the people on the ground with slightly cold eyes.

"Dada Da" in the silence of all the people did not say a word, a series of horse hoofs suddenly sounded, people turned to look at the past, it was Shisong.

"It's my uncle's pleasure not to dishonor his life." Shisong knelt on the ground and said respectfully.

Joe Tianchang's mouth slightly hooked: "very good, get up."

Ning Mengyao looks at the stone pine on the edge: "is it all right?"

"My aunt is at ease." Shi Song worships Ning Mengyao and Qiao Tianchang. His uncle and aunt are really powerful, which can be guessed.

Several people on the ground suddenly felt something was wrong: "you You... "

"That's what you think. When you came here, I knew that you were just spies of the Xiao family in the state of Xiao. How about the play with you? Are you satisfied? " Qiao Tianchang looks at the people on the ground, with his lips slightly hooked.

"How do you know?"

Qiao Tianchang looks at the people on the ground with contempt. If they don't know this, what else?

"You know our husband and wife's position in the border city, but you have made Yao Yao wait for you at the gate of the city for a day. If it wasn't for the wolves that night, how many days would you wait?" Ning Mengyao looked at the people on the ground and said sarcastically.

The faces of the people on the ground changed, and their expressions were very ugly: "you already know why..."

"Of course, I'm waiting for the fish to get hooked, but you're really impatient. I'm really disappointed that you should do such a thing."

All the people on the ground were paralyzed on the ground. Ning Mengyao looked at them and said, "take it back. The green frost man has given it to you."


When the soldiers on the side were going to take people away, they saw several people suddenly twisted in pain.

As soon as Qingshuang saw it, he hurriedly walked over and held their chin tightly. He took out a poisonous tooth from their mouth and gave them an antidote pill.

"Don't worry, I won't let you die." Qingshuang looked at these people and said in a cold voice.

"50 meters southeast of fengxiao." Said Jo Tianchang suddenly.

The figure of fengxiao on the edge suddenly disappeared. Those who were rescued by Qingshuang looked at Qiao Tianchang stupidly. The whole person was stupid.

Before long, two people were thrown from a distance, and their hands and feet had been broken.

Looking at those two people, people who don't want to catch them are at the bottom of the valley.

"Take it all."

After waiting for someone to take away, Qiao Tianchang looks at the stone pine on the edge and frowns.

"Uncle, what's the matter with you? Is there anything wrong? " Asked Shisong with great uncertainty.

At a glance of Shisong, Qiao Tianchang's brow was frowning tightly, and Ning Mengyao on the edge said in a deep voice, "it seems that the people of the Xiao family can't help it."