Doudou smiled at Tangtang and said excitedly, "OK, let's let our mother play the piano for us."

Hearing Doudou agree with her proposal, Tangtang felt very happy. She jumped and jumped. She walked back from the door first. When she saw ningmengyao, the whole person jumped up and hugged him tightly.

Tangtang looked up at ningmengyao and said excitedly, "my mother, I haven't heard you play the piano. Would you like to play it for us?"

Ningmengyao looked at the sugar and sugar that had just come back and let herself play the piano for her. She couldn't help laughing and said, "I didn't know if I was going to make trouble for my mother just after I came back."

Tangtang wriggles her little body in Mengyao's arms, muttering discontentedly, "I haven't heard that since my brothers have heard that my mother plays the piano."

Looking at her daughter helplessly, Ning Mengyao reaches out her hand and points at her little head. She can't help crying and laughing and says, "you, we are still busy now. Can we play the piano for you after your mother is busy?"

Tangtang pouts his mouth and feels unhappy, but after thinking about it, he nods and agrees: "well Well then! "

Bowing his head and kissing Mengyao on Tangtang's face, Mengyao jokingly said, "your father is rarely at home today, so you don't want him?"

Qiao moshang and Doudou are standing beside each other and looking at sugar and sugar in their mother's arms. When they hear Ning Mengyao say that Qiao Tianchang is at home, their eyes suddenly brighten.

"Mom, we went to find dad." The brothers looked at each other and ran towards the house.

As soon as Qiao Tianchang came out of the study, he saw two children, one big and one small, running towards him, with a little smile on his hard face.

"Dad, we're back!" Joe moshang stood in front of Joe Tianchang, eyes shining at him.

Looking at his son's height, Qiao Tianchang's eyes are satisfied. The child's temperament has changed a lot since more than a year ago, but it's still like that.

Doudou sees Qiao Tianchang and just talks to Qiao moshang. He is discontented. Suddenly he comes to Qiao Tianchang's face: "Dad, I miss you. Do you miss us?"

He reached out and took the beans into his arms, touched his eldest son's head, and said softly, "go wash and rinse, and dad will make you delicious food."

When Qiao Tianchang went to the kitchen, Ning Mengyao finally came here with sugar in her arms, and the four of her mother and son stood and whispered.

After knowing their learning level for more than a year, Ning Mengyao would look at the three and say, "come on, let's see what you have learned in this year."

Brother and sister look at each other, and at the same time, they move towards Ning Mengyao. You have to respond very quickly. You dodge the attack of the three and break them one by one.

Half an hour later, Ning Mengyao won. The three brothers and sisters lay on the ground and looked at her without any image: "Niang, we are your children, you don't need to be so cruel to start with?"

Ning Mengyao looked at the three people with a smile on her face and said, "I'm so cruel. Don't you know?"

When Qiao Tianchang came out of the kitchen, he saw his mother and son staring at them with big eyes. "What are you doing? Not yet. "

The three brothers and sisters got up from the ground and walked towards their room. Soon the three changed into clean clothes. Ning Mengyao sat at the table and looked at them: "I will test others after eating."