Xiao Zitian looked at them and said, "do you think that as long as you can let these poisonous people into their army, you can kill a lot of people?"

The people of the Xiao family didn't speak, but the meaning was very obvious. That's what they thought.

"How stupid are you to do such a thing?" Xiao Zixun also didn't care whether these people in front of him were older than his generation, he said in a direct angry voice.

"Don't think we dare not do anything to you." Some people just have to listen to what they have to do well. Now when they hear Xiao Zitian's bad words, they get angry and say it very angrily.

But some people, who seem to know something, frown and ask, "what do you mean?"

"Nanyu is a person who is proficient in all kinds of poisons, not only that, but also a Gu person. Qingshuang is proficient in medicine and poisons, Qiao mofeng is proficient in medicine and poisons, tea and tea are proficient in medicine. There is also a miracle doctor among them. Not only that, but also Linghu, the holy thing of Miao. It's said that Linghu's blood can detoxify hundreds of poisons. Do you think it's enough for others to play?" There are so many experts in medicine and poisons. They think it's easy to send these poisons to Xiao's military camp.

If they hadn't let Joe Tianchang know about the poison, it would be useful to use this method, but are they kidding now?

When they all know, they want to use poison man to deal with Qiao Tianchang and them? I am not afraid that I will die before I go.

Qiao Tianchang, they can find poisonous people from so many people, and kill them one by one, which shows that they have known the appearance characteristics of poisonous people for a long time.

"Don't take what those people think so simply. Do you have less loss in their husband and wife's hands?" Xiao Zitian smiled sarcastically at them.

The people of the Xiao family suddenly looked at each other, yes, did they suffer less in the hands of Qiao Tianchang and his wife? How can we forget the people in their hands?

"Then what are you going to do?"

Xiao Zitian looked at the person in front of him and said with a smile: "is there anyone else in the Xiao family who hasn't come?"

The faces of the people in the Xiao family changed, but they calmed down. Looking at them like this, Xiao Zitian suddenly felt that they were not easy. You said that several people even acted in the same way. How did they do it?

Xiao Zitian looked at the Xiao family beside him. "You don't want to talk about it."

"You're talking nonsense. What else hasn't come?"

Xiao Zi looked up and down at the people in front of him. Seeing how excited he was, he immediately laughed: "it seems that you really don't plan."

"Tut Tut, if there are less than 150000 people, I'd like to see how long this can resist Qiao Tianchang. The people under his hand are not straw bags." Xiao Zi asked for fun.

It's better not to let those people come. It's easier for him to take these people to the road of death. After all, there is a huge gap in strength. It's natural that something happened.

Yun Yi stood on the edge and looked at Xiao's family, who was so angry but couldn't help it, with excitement in his eyes.

Young master is really powerful. He is curious. Will they call people? If they do, will their plan be delayed a lot?