When he came here, he was going to fight with Xiao Mu, but he didn't expect that the people of Xiao family had become so conceited.

Yun Yi stands behind Xiao Zixun and frowns at him: "it's time for us to go, young master."

Xiao Zi looked at cloud one by one and said, "let's go."

After Xiao Zixun, Yun Yi goes out in silence.

"Young master, let's go like that?" How many people do he think there must be outside? Unexpectedly, no one.

"They are busy winning the war from Jomo Shangs. How can they have this time to watch us? Those who had come with Xiao Ziyun had left when he entered the room. " Xiao Zitian listened to the faint voice and said with a smile.

"Here you are, young master." Suddenly, Yun Yi didn't know where to take out a mask and handed it to Xiao Zitian.

Take the mask in cloud's hand and put it on his face. Xiao Zitian looks at the house behind him and says, "it's burning."


Yun Yi also touched a mask and put it on. After burning the house, he left a snow shaped concealed weapon on the ground.

Xiao Zitian and Yun Yi carry their lightness skills to leave.

After going out of the forest, they went to the battlefield. After seeing everything on the battlefield, Xiao Zitian laughed: "it's true that Qiao Mo killed them. He could play like this. He really admired the Xiao family. He didn't find this problem."

"What are you talking about, young master?"

"None of the soldiers of the state of Xiao died." Although some people were injured, they were all minor injuries, which were not comparable to those of the Xiao family.

All the basic cards of the Xiao family are one dead and one accurate. He can see clearly that those people were killed by one knife, and the people who killed them were some very humble people. They looked very young soldiers, but their faces were covered and they could not see what it was like.

Xiao Zitian said that when he looked at Yunyi brick, as he said, there was really no one who died. He fell to the ground and pretended to die after all the injuries.

Cloud a corner of the mouth twitches to look at that scene: "Xiao family those people's eyes exactly how long."

"If they knew it, it would not be the current situation. They now subconsciously think that the people in their hands are invincible. I really look forward to the day when they know the truth." Xiao Zitian laughed derisively.

Cloud a little bit of head, don't say what, just look at Xiao Zitian: "young master we are going to Xiao now?"

"Go again in the evening, now. Do you want to be treated as a spy?" They hide their heads and show their faces. Do they want to be arrested and tortured?

"Then shall we watch now?"

"Jomo Shang found us." Xiao Zitian suddenly said.

Cloud subconsciously looked at the tower and saw Qiao moshang looking at them.

Xiao Zi looks for the corner of his mouth and slightly hooks it. He reaches out and makes two gestures to Qiao moshang.

When Qiao moshang saw these two gestures, he suddenly laughed, raised his hand and waved twice.

The following Shisong and Xiaomu saw his gestures, and the same gestures played a role in their army.

"Kill." Xiao Mu raised the sword that his master had specially found for him and pointed to the front. In the tender voice, he was full of murderous spirit.