Xiao Zitian looked at Qiao moshang for a long time, and then said seriously, "maybe only you can think he is so good."

Qiao Mo Shang looked down at the person in front of him and said, "my father is very good. In my heart, my father is the best father in the world. No one can match him."

Xiao Zitian looked at Qiao moshang with contempt. He knew that his father was very good, but he didn't show off like this, did he?

"Will you die if you don't show off?"

"No, but life is not like death. I have such a good father. I'm happy. What am I willing to do? Dissatisfied looking at you can close your eyes. " Qiao Mo war is very indifference says.

Xiao Zitian had a very surprised expression and looked at Qiao moshang. How could this man be so proud and charming when he disappeared for a while?

"Is aunt really your son? How do I think it was changed? " Xiao Zitian looked at Ning Mengyao and asked earnestly.

Ningmengyao thinks that xiaozixun is really interesting. This child really makes people not know what to say.

"I'm sure it's my son, my own." Ning Mengyao said very seriously.

Qiao moshang went to Qiao Tianchang's side: "Dad will definitely continue to attack us tomorrow according to my method. Do you want to kill them all?"

"What do you think?"

Jomo Shang reached for his chin, frowned and thought, then said, "I think it's better to catch people like this. We need to save trouble."

He really doesn't want to continue playing like this with these people.

"Niang, after we cleaned them, we went to the Xiao family to explore?" Jomo Shang said with bright eyes.

To Qiao Mo Shang, Ning Mengyao said angrily: "I see where you want to play, so you are so excited."

"Haha, of course. Niang, you have to take me there. I also want to know what interests you so much." Jomo Shang felt where he was beaten and laughed.

Ningmengyao looks at her son. He looks like that, which makes ningmengyao feel helpless.

"You, there's no way to take you."

"Mom, I'm going too." Doudou said not to be outdone.

"Where? Play? I'll play too. " Hearing what Yujing had said from the sugar and sugar he had come back from the outside, he quickly opened his mouth.

Looking at their family, Xiao Zitian always felt that they could not laugh or cry. How could their family be so harmonious and warm? He really can't understand.

"Aunt, I'm really curious that there is no interest struggle in your family?" Seeing the drama of parents using their children, brothers and sisters to kill themselves, Xiao Zitian was really curious about their intimacy.

Ning Mengyao looked at Xiao Zixun funny: "is there any competition in our family? He likes to study medicine with tea and tea at Fenger's side. Little monkey here wants to join Xiao Mu as an official. Doudou is more interested in Qin. As for sugar, she likes medicine and poison, and is a girl's family. There is no conflict of interest in what their brothers and sisters want to do. As for the things in his father's hands, I don't think they want to take over. "

" why? " Tongbaozhai, such a powerful force as the general's mansion of Zhenguo, can you really say no to it?

Qiao Tianchang took a look at Xiao Zi and said, "don't look down on them too much. They are our children. They won't turn against their brothers because of this. They can borrow things from us, but they don't want to get them, because they have their own fields in their hearts."

"They think they will go further, uncle, do you mean that?"

"It's true that no matter it's Shanger, Doudou, Tangtang or Fenger, each of them has their own pursuit in their hearts, but it's definitely not to take over our rights and positions, money." Qiao Tianchang said earnestly.