"It's not good to ask. You'll know later. Shanger, your mother has her own reason for doing that. You'll know later. But now she's not sure. We don't know where to talk to you." Facing the curious son, Qiao Tianchang said seriously.

Although Qiao moshang is not very happy about Qiao Tianchang's concealment, he still nods to show that he understands.

"Dad, I know. I'll do my own thing first. Xiao Zi looks for you Let it be. " Qiao moshang went out for two steps, then stopped to look at Xiao Zitian and said casually.

"I'm with you, brother."

"I want it, too, brother."

"OK, you keep up." Jomo Shang took people away.

Xiao Zitian looked at the Qiao Mo Shang who left in tears and smiles: "he is really at ease with us. Isn't he afraid of what we will do?"

"What else can you do?" A voice burst out on the side.

Xiao Zitian was startled and turned around to see Wen Yujing with white hair standing by and looking at them.

"Who are you?" Xiao Zitian couldn't help asking.

"Come with me, their uncle. I think you'll want to meet your friends." Wen Yujing said casually.

Xiao Zitian looked at the people beside him, thought about it, and then followed him.

Wen Yujing raised his eyebrows slightly and took people to the wind erosion place.

"Cloud zero you tell me clearly, how is Xiao Zitian now?" Just at the door, I heard Xiao Zitian's angry voice coming from inside.


"What's ok? You think I'm an idiot? Although I haven't been out recently, I still know something about them, OK? The Xiao family won so many games. Can we not abandon him? Cloud zero you say to me, did your young master have an accident? " Wind erosion struggles to get out of bed.

Seeing him like this, cloud zero hurriedly blocked the people: "young master Feng, don't worry about it. All the things have been arranged by young master Feng. He will seize the opportunity to leave."

"It's strange that Xiao's family will let him go. Tell me clearly." Wind erosion says nothing and doesn't believe cloud zero.

It's strange that the guy is stubborn. He will take the initiative to leave. Xiao Zi's mind is not to think that he doesn't know anything.

Listening to the wind erosion, Xiao Zitian couldn't help but think it was funny. This guy is so funny. He can't help it.

"It seems that there is no problem with you being so mean." Xiao Zitian pushed the door and went in. Looking at the people on the bed, he couldn't help laughing.

The wind erosion on the bed heard this very familiar voice, and hurriedly turned to look at Xiao Zitian standing at the door, and couldn't help laughing: "you really came out of Xiao's house, it's so nice."

"What are you so excited about?"

"Can I not be excited? I thought you would come out only after you destroyed the Xiao family, which made me worry for nothing. " Said the wind erosion.

Looking at the wind erosion, Xiao Zitian was silent for a long time, then said, "I'm sorry for the wind erosion."

If it wasn't for him, the wind erosion wouldn't have happened. If it hadn't been for him, the wind erosion wouldn't have been lying in bed.

Wind erosion widened his eyes and looked at Xiao Zitian discontentedly: "what are you talking nonsense to me here? I'll tell you Xiao Zitian, if you're talking nonsense, be careful that I break up with you. I'll do what I say. "

They are best friends, brothers. Do they need to say thank you before?

"I mean it to you."

"Do you think I'm talking to you for fun? How many years have Xiao Zitian known us? We have been together since childhood, and we support each other. Now you say thank you to me. Do you not treat me as a friend or a brother? " Wind erosion very angry said.

Xiao Zitian looked at the wind erosion with a headache: "you know that's not what I mean."

"Then tell me clearly, what do you mean? If you don't make it clear today, there will be no end between us. " He's really going to get angry today. Can this guy be more reliable?

"Well, I won't say thank you."