Jomo Shang looked at the people in front of him, his eyes were full of doubts: "I really don't understand."

"Don't understand what?"

"Since the Xiao family has these things, why should they be sealed up and not be used?"

Xiao Zitian was silent for a moment and then said, "it's not useless, it's absolutely useless."

Qiao Tianchang went to Xiao Zixun's side and looked at him with a frown. "What's going on?" he asked

Xiao Zitian took a deep breath and looked at Qiao Tianchang and said seriously, "actually, I don't know what happened. I just went in secretly once and saw the things in it. As long as you see them once, you won't want to see them again. It's a nightmare at all."

Now and then he will think of what he saw at that time, although it has been several years since then, it seems that the scene is deeply rooted.

Qiao moshang reached out to touch his chin and looked at Xiao Zitian curiously: "what do you see? How could you say such a thing?"

"It's a group of monsters. It makes me feel that those people are just like demagogues in Miao area." Xiao Zitian thought about it carefully and then said.

Because they are close to Qiao moshang, he knows a lot about the insects in the Miao area, and he has seen them. Now he really thinks that those people are the insects. The strong ones will swallow up the weak ones, then make themselves stronger, and then swallow up the weak ones. In this way, in the long run, there will be a survival similar to the king of insects Yes.

Qiao moshang reached for his chin and looked at Qiao Tianchang. "Dad, I think uncle Nanyu and aunt Qingshuang will be very interested in those things."

Nanyu and Qingshuang are very interested in these strange things, but he seems to forget that his sister is also very interested in these things.

Qiao Tianchang nodded: "we call them together when we go, maybe we can figure out what's inside."

"Brother, look, brother Mu is against a very powerful man. Is he going to be ok?" The voice of sugar came over and interrupted their conversation.

People put their eyes on the battlefield below, frowning tightly: "what's the matter?"

"I know that elder brother. He seems to be from the Xiao family. He has great martial arts. Do you think elder brother Mu will be ok?" Doudou frowned and worried.

Qiao moshang looks at Xiao Mu, who has a firm expression. He doesn't say that he wants to help. He believes that Xiao Mu doesn't want them to disturb him at this time. He wants to solve the problem himself.

If this is what Xiao Mu thinks, then he believes him and lets him go, but the hand under the sleeve is tightly clenched into a fist. In the end, he still doesn't trust Xiao Mu.

"How is Tianchang?" A voice suddenly sounded.

At the same time, they turned their heads to see Xiao Qitian coming here, which made Qiao moshang very guilty.

"Three uncles."

"And Muer?" Xiao Qitian looked around and didn't see his son. He asked strangely.

"Xiaomu is down there. Sanshu and Xiaomu are very powerful now, very powerful." Qiao Mo Shang points to Xiao Mu below and says proudly.

As soon as Xiao Qitian's face changed, he hurriedly went to the side, looked down, and saw that Xiao Mu, who was only eight or nine years old, was not inferior to an adult, which made Xiao Qitian very happy and proud. It was his son.

After the pride, Xiao Qitian felt worried. The man was so powerful. Did Muer really have any problems?

"Is this how Shanger came here?" Xiao Qitian looked down at the people and asked seriously.

Qiao Mo Shang nodded: "yes, this is Xiaomu's choice. The third uncle Xiaomu is really powerful. You don't have to worry about him."

Xiao Qitian looked at the people below, frowning tightly: "I know he is very good, but he is less than ten years old. Now he is on the battlefield."

He knew his son's mind, but now he saw such a scene, which made him a little uncomfortable, sour and astringent. He should be happy to have such a good son.