When the Xiao family went out to see the wolves in that yard, they were all stupid. They never provoked the wolves. How could so many wolves come to the Xiao family?

Soon they knew what was going on, and the silver wolf came in from the outside.

"My ancestors This is the snow wolf. " The man on the side said in horror.

The old ancestor of the Xiao family was stunned. Of course, he knew what the snow wolf was. There were many snow wolf fur in the warehouse of the Xiao family.

But isn't the snow wolf in the snow? How could it be here? What's the purpose of the snow wolf coming here? Isn't it revenge?

Looking around at the gray wolves, he thought it was very possible.

"It seems that you know who this is?" A pleasant voice came in from the outside.

Looking up at the place where the voice came from, the Xiao family saw a group of people coming in from the outside, two of whom they knew, Ning Mengyao and Xiao Zitian.

Isn't Xiao Zixun supposed to be dead now? Why are you still here? And they are so close to Ning Mengyao.

Qiao Mo Shang goes to Xiao Zi's side and looks at him playfully and says, "they think you are dead."

"Needless to say, I have already seen it." They've all been so clear, can't he see it? If so, he doesn't have to go on mixing.

"What are you doing to others? How come they just don't want to see you? I just met you. I wish you were dead

Xiao Zitian looked at Qiao Mo Shang and frowned discontentedly: "have you finished?"

"No, I'm really curious. If there's such an outstanding person in my family, I'm sure they will treat people as treasure. I can't understand how they treat you like this." What Jomo Shang said was that he was not embarrassed at all.

Xiao Zitian looked at the person in front of him with a headache. Did he know what he was talking about?

"Jomo Shang, can you see where it is first?" Xiao Zitian said with a headache.

Jomo Shang shrugged: "what are you worried about? Lightning will protect you. "

Xiao Zi looks for a slight twitch on the corner of his mouth, then looks at Qiao moshang for a long time, and says seriously: "it protects me? I don't think it will protect me. It may kill me directly. "

Ning Mengyao helplessly looks at her baby son: "little monkey, when you are talking, should you think about each other's feelings? You look at people like that. They are almost pissed off by you. You are still so happy to say that. "

Jomo Shang said casually, "Mom, I think it's very good. If I get angry directly, we'd better deal with a few people less. Are you right?"

Ningmengyao looks at her son without any words, then turns to Qiao Tianchang, and says sadly, "what son is Tianchang? I can't see it. Would you please send it away?"

"Have you been willing to leave?" Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao without words.

Among all the people who love Qiao Mo Shang, Ning Mengyao is the most powerful one. They really want to send people away. Ning Mengyao can shoot them to death directly.

Ningmengyao thought about it carefully. It seemed that she was reluctant to give up. But after seeing Qiao Mo's sorrow, she felt that it was a real eyesore.

"Don't look at me like this, mom. It's useless to look at me like this, isn't it?" Qiao Mo Shang looked at Ning Mengyao warily and said.

He didn't believe that his mother would send him away. He was hurt a little. His mother would love to see him off.

"What are you doing here?" The Xiao family couldn't bear it any more. They roared in anger.

Jomo Shang looked at them innocently and said, "what are you doing? Of course we're here for revenge. "