Feng Xiao nods. They haven't done it for a long time. They want to do it now. They just don't expect that they will be like this. The expression on their face has changed completely. The corners of their mouths are twitching. Every time they are in the place where they are, they seem to have no chance to do it, unless they don't want to do it Only then can we give them the chance.

They just don't want such an opportunity at all.

"Nanyu, I'll give sugar to you two. You two must get the man back." Qiao Tianchang came to the front of the two and said very seriously.

If it wasn't for this man's action of protecting Xiao Zixun, he might not have done it. He just didn't expect that a person who had been eroded by the toxin for such a long time could still know him and let his children leave when there was danger. His heart made Xiao Zixun feel very valuable. He didn't want to make a person like this.

Xiao Zitian looked at the people beside him and frowned: "Uncle......"

"Don't worry, it will be OK."

"Well, thank you, uncle."

The man in front of xiaozixun is very quiet now. I don't know whether it's because the people of xiaozixun's family are dead and there is no danger, or because he stays beside xiaozixun, there is no movement.

Ning Mengyao looked at Xiao Zitian's uncomfortable appearance, and frowned slightly: "find a way to communicate with him, let him know what we are going to do next, only in this way can we not cause unnecessary trouble, do you understand what I mean?"

Xiao Zitian thought about it and nodded. Of course, he knew what ningmengyao meant, but At a glance, Ning Mengyao frowned slightly, and the expression on her face was a little trance: "I know aunt."

Xiao Zitian talked to the man for a long time, and then he got the man's response. Ning Mengyao also found that as long as they were around Xiao Zitian, the man seemed very quiet, like a obedient child.

Xiao Zitian looked at the person in front of him and frowned tightly. The expression on his face also slightly changed. As long as the person was ok, he was relieved.

After arranging for Xiao Zi to find his father, Ning Mengyao is very interested in the forbidden area of the Xiao family and plans to go to see it with Qiao Tianchang.

"Aunt, if you want to find some things of Xiao's family, then I suggest you go to the innermost place. There are many things in it." Xiao Zitian generally looked at Nanyu and treated his father, saying: "but there seems to be some danger in that place, you..."

Ning Mengyao doesn't care about the danger. What she wants to know is the secret of the Xiao family. What are they left behind? It's a terrible thing.

"Now that I'm here, I'm not going to go back empty handed. At least I have to find something." Ning Mengyao said discontentedly.

"Auntie, you are the master of tongbaozhai." Is it really no problem to say openly that you want other people's things? He's really scared.

Ning Mengyao looked at Xiao Zitian and said: "Xiao Zitian suddenly dislikes you very much."

"Dislike me?"

"You will despise the money in your hands? How many people do I have to support tongbaozhai? I'm very poor. " Said the lemon plaster seriously.

Xiao Zitian took a look at Yun Suran, and finally decided not to worry about him. In this way, the last angry person would be her.

"Auntie, I won't say anything for you. You can do it." Xiao Zitian made an action of shutting up my mouth, which made Ning Mengyao smile proudly. Did you want to tell her? Let's practice our mouth again.