"Tianchang, I was right." Ning Mengyao 's hand trembles slightly. The things in it are really not good things, but also harmful things.

Clenching her lips, Ning Mengyao is a little strange. She is a princess on the top. Why is she on such a path? And made the whole Xiao family look like this.

"There may be the answer you want." Qiao Tianchang finds another thing from the hole and hands it to Ning Mengyao.

Ningmengyao looked at it carefully. After reading it, she frowned tightly, and the expression on her face was strange.

"Is there any discovery?"

"I don't know what to say. She left Xiaoguo to come here because her father didn't believe all of her at that time, and he thought that her way was wrong, so she had everything today." In the end, it's just because she's the best and the most proud of everything, not favored by her relatives, that she has developed to this point.

In the end, she is too extreme. It's no wonder that other people think of this way. In other people's eyes, it's madness. Who can blame if she can't think of it?

Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao's frown, which is still tightly frowning. There is obvious helplessness in his eyes: "since you already know it's her own problem, are you still sad?"

Ning Mengyao thought for a moment, then shook her head: "I'm not sad, I'm just thinking, is it really worth it for her to make herself this way and bring her family which she has not easily established to this point?"

Qiao Tianchang looks at ningmengyao, rarely angry, but suddenly smiles: "Yaoyao, you are still so kind, no matter it is not easy, many things have happened, right? It seems useless for you to think so much. The people of the Xiao family are not children. They have their own ideas. If they don't want to, no one will do anything about them. They will do such things, which is enough to show that they are voluntary. "

Ningmengyao said with a silent eyebrow. She didn't understand these things, but she felt a little sad in her heart: "Tianchang, no matter what, I still can't understand it. In order to let people recognize her practice, can I really do that kind of crazy thing?"

"We can't understand their practices, so we don't have to think about so many problems, because we are not them and will not go to this step." Qiao Tianchang looked at Ning Mengyao and said seriously.

Ningmengyao opens her mouth and wants to say something else, but seeing Qiao Tianchang's serious appearance suddenly feels that his words are very right. She doesn't need to do this, does she?

Ning Mengyao suddenly smiled: "Tianchang I understand that I just need to do what I think is right. I can't do anything else to satisfy everyone."

"It's right for you to think so. Their fault has nothing to do with you. You are you and she is her. You can't confuse them." Qiao Tianchang looked at ningmengyao very seriously and said that made ningmengyao feel a bit trance.

"Any questions? If not, let's burn them. " Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao and says.

Ning Mengyao thought for a moment, then nodded and agreed: "OK, you can do it by yourself, but shall we keep the contents of this jar with them on Nanyu island?"

The things that can make the Xiao family hide in this place, she thinks, will not be bad to any place, no matter they are Tangtang or Nanyu, they will like it very much.

"Qiao Tianchang nodded:" this thing will be handed over to Nanyu for their own solution. They should like it. " He has been able to think about what they will look like after seeing these things in Nanyu. Maybe they will be excited to be crazy?