Because the place of Ning Mengyao has changed completely. Now it has become very rich, but it has not changed. They have been there. They like it very much, both he and Xue nishang. They also want to go there together.

"In fact, we want to go too." Xiao Qifeng looked at Ning Mengyao and said.

"No matter how many houses you have, if the house is not enough, you can build some more. It doesn't matter much." Ning Mengyao didn't care much.

Xiao Qifeng nodded, "OK, then we will go back with you."

Snow nishang went to Ning Mengyao's side: "it's been a long time. Why do you look like you haven't changed at all?"

Looking at Ning Mengyao's young face, Xue nishang said she didn't understand. The couple grew up against each other. The older they grew, the better they were and the younger they grew.

Ning Mengyao looked at the snow neon dress innocently and said seriously, "actually, I don't know why we grow younger."

Xue nishang looked at Ning Mengyao, who was very disgusted. He knew that he didn't tell the truth, but he didn't mind. Thinking of those people in the court, Xue nishang's eyes were discontented: "be careful yourself. I'm afraid someone will find you trouble this time."

Ningmengyao leaned on Qiao Tianchang's arms and said casually, "excuse me? Our husband and wife are not so afraid of trouble, but they are afraid that some people will not be able to bear what we want. "

Their tenet is that if people don't offend me, I won't. If people do, I will. As long as those people want to make trouble for him, he doesn't mind at all.

Xue nishang looks at Ning Mengyao in front of her and suddenly feels that her worry is unnecessary.

"I think all my worries are superfluous." The corner of the mouth of the snow neon dress twitches slightly.

Xiao Qifeng took a look at his wife and couldn't help laughing: "they've never suffered a loss, and seeing mu'er's appearance, they won't let them suffer a loss."

Xiao Mu is very satisfied with his performance. He has heard about things on the battlefield. His performance is very good, better than he used to be. It has to be said that Tianchang and his children are very well educated.

Ningmengyao looks at the person on the edge and slightly hooks up the corner of his mouth: "yes, mu'er is very excellent. I believe he will say that all things have been solved."

In tongbaozhai, those who fight with wisdom and bravery have been trained. If they can't be solved, she will doubt whether their people are in trouble and haven't adjusted them well.

If that's the case, she's going to have trouble finding those people.

Xiao Mu's eyes narrowed slightly, and he snorted scornfully: "aunt, see how I can crush them."

Ningmengyao was stunned, and then he couldn't help laughing: "OK, Auntie will give it to you. It's the assessment for you. How about it?"

Xiao Mu looks at Ning Mengyao discontentedly: "Auntie, you look down on me too much. Let me fight with those people. This is to lower my level. I don't want it."

Ningmengyao suddenly felt very speechless and looked at him with helplessness: "don't look down on anyone."

"Of course I know. It's just Aung, you can see. As long as I show up, they don't dare to say anything at all. For this kind of grass, sooner or later, they will be replaced, and I will be disgraced for saving." Xiao Mu frowned discontentedly and said.

He is very dissatisfied with many ministers in the imperial court. He thinks that those people who hold salaries do nothing but eat nothing are the ones who hate most.

Qiao Tianchang glanced at Xiao Mu and said, "well, it's good to take this opportunity to promote some people you think can."

Xiao Mu reached out and touched his chin: "I think the people you trained for me are very good, but they still need experience."

He knew that Qiao Tianchang had released a lot of people to him in the Imperial College. They are very capable, but they need to practice in the official arena.

Xiao Qitian looked at his son and frowned. "You do what you want to do first. As for the experience, I will arrange it."

Xiao Mu nodded, "thank you, father."

"What else do you want to say to me, thank you?" Xiao Qitian looked at his son discontentedly and frowned.

Xiao Mu touched his nose and smiled: "am I used to it? Let's go back, father, or some people will have something to say. "

Looking at Xiao Mu, who is only eight or nine years old, Xiao Qifeng has this idea. He nodded with great satisfaction: "mu'er, you are so good. Xiao Guo and your father can support you for a while, but you have to think about what to do in the future."