Just looking at the face of the face according to the intrigue, Ning kainayo suddenly felt very interesting, a lot of words, needless to say, have understood.

Ning Mengyao looked at the people's appearance and thought it was very funny. Did they have nothing to do? Every time it's something like that, it's really disgusting.

"The emperor's harem can't be like this all the time, heirs..."

Listening to what was mentioned again, Xiao Qitian's expression became very ugly and looked at the speaker below.

"Heirs? I think the prince is very good. Do you have any opinions? " Xiao Qitian said coldly.

His son is the best. Who dares to have this opinion? Unless you don't want to live.

Ning Mengyao looked at these people's appearance and smiled sarcastically: "this is the emperor's own family affair. I don't know what you are worrying about."

"What do you mean, Madame general? Since the emperor ascended the throne, there have been no concubines in the harem, and the heirs are very thin. Who knows what the prince can do in the future Said the man directly.

Xiao Qitian's face suddenly changed. Is this old man cursing his son? His face suddenly turned gloomy and terrible. If Xiao Mu didn't appease him, he would open his mouth and move his head.

Xiao Mu walked towards the speaker step by step. Although he was not big, he had enough momentum. Looking at Xiao Mu's appearance, Ning Mengyao expressed their satisfaction.

"I remember you're a courtesy man, right? Did you just say that to curse the palace for its death? " Xiao Mu went to the other side, looked down at the kneeling people, said in a cold voice.

"I dare not."

"Dare not? What are you afraid of? I don't know what will happen in the future. Would it be better for you to say that my palace is not long enough to live to adulthood? In this way, there are enough conditions for the father and the emperor to choose a concubine according to your wishes, aren't there? " Xiao Mu is full of satire.

If the father really wants to find a woman to live, he doesn't mind at all, but seeing them like this, Xiao Mu feels disgusted.

He hoped that the father and the emperor would have the same feelings as the eldest uncle and they, rather than using them. If he could have a younger brother and a younger sister, he would be very happy, but unfortunately, these people's minds should not be so impure.

Xiao Mu looked around coldly: "who else has the same idea as them?"

The people looked at each other, and finally they bowed their heads and didn't speak. They understood. In fact, the Emperor didn't mean that. Now it seems that the prince's highness is also very outstanding. Even the former Emperor didn't say anything. What qualifications do they have to speak here? I don't want to live.

Ningmengyao glanced at the minister and said coldly, "if you want to get anything from them, you can just say it directly. If you don't have to say it so grandly, it will only make people look down on you. You can't do anything else."

"Madame general..."

"How am I? You just want to make your family's position of power higher. What do you say is good for the emperor's sake. What can you say? "

Xiao Qitian sneers and agrees with Ning Mengyao's words: "Mengyao's book is right. You are just doing things for your family's position. How many are really for my sake?"