Qiao Tianchang frowned and looked at the people beside him strangely. He wondered what the medicine was for?

"The Minister receives the order."

"The emperor ordered that He named Joe Tianchang king of Luo. " Xiao Qitian's people read the holy edict in their hands.

Qiao Tianchang and Ning Mengyao both look at Qiao Tianchang unexpectedly. They haven't heard from Xiao Qitian about this. How can they do such a thing by filling in ur.

Not only their husband and wife, but also all the ministers present are completely stupid. The king of the opposite sex is hereditary. This How is that possible?

There has never been a prince of the opposite sex in Xiao Guo. Qiao Tianchang is the first Prince of the opposite sex. But seeing the emperor like this, it's obvious that he had an idea for a long time.

"Do you have an opinion?"

"Is it not right for the emperor to make the general the king of the opposite sex?" The following people thought over the words and said with a frown.

"What's wrong? The prince's outstanding performance today is due to the guidance of the general and the general's wife. Who can do what the general's husband and wife do to become common people? How many people have been injured by the great general's guard in the border city? Who can do that? " Xiao Qitian said coldly.

Xiao Qitian's words let everyone shut up because they are not qualified to say anything here.

Qiao Tianchang took a look at them and sarcastically hooked up the corners of his mouth, but he didn't express any opinions.

"It seems that you have no opinion? Then stop talking about it. " Xiao Qitian said coldly.

"Let's get the message."

"The Minister receives the order."

"Son of King Luo, Jomo mourns the order." Go to

Qiao moshang kneels on the ground, frowns, and doesn't know what his third uncle is going to do: "Qiao moshang receives the order."

Qiao Mo Shang looks at his third uncle stupidly, his eyes are a little dazed, he becomes a son of the world?

Not only Jomo Shang, but also Tangtang and Doudou have become princes and princes. This is probably the only honor of the whole Xiao Kingdom, right?

A family of three children, three children are either princes or marquis, not only they, but also Joe mofeng is a marquis.

"The emperor thinks twice." Originally, Qiao Tianchang's family was powerful enough. Now it's a prince and a county Lord. How can it be?

Who dares to be rude to the Qiao family? Now the Qiao family is really under one person, over ten thousand people.

In addition to the emperor, Prince Ning three people, their identity is probably the highest, but the prince is taught by them, what does it mean? Qiao Tianchang and his wife are imperial teachers.

Xiao Qitian glanced at them and said, "do you think I'm doing this for nothing? The medicine developed by Tangtang has solved the poisons of the Xiao family, spared our soldiers from the pain of being attacked by the poison. Doudou's voice attack has helped the generals to kill the enemies on the battlefield, and reduced the casualties of the generals of the Xiao country. Feng'er is the teacher, teaching the people in the border city to learn medicine, and making them have the ability to protect their lives. It's needless to say that the greatest contribution to defeat the Xiao family this time is that he is too good Son's advice, two people cooperate only then has the later matter, do you think this princess, aristocratic son, county Hou they should have? "

The ministers looked at each other for a while, not what to say.

"I deserve it." The prime minister knelt on the ground and said respectfully, "a child who is only seven or eight years old between a princess and a county Lord can win honor for his country. This award should be given to his colleagues. Who can compare with several princes, the little Marquis?"