A wry smile. It's OK. He shouldn't have bad ideas. He already knew it would be such a result, didn't he?

When Ning Mengyao went back, Qiao Tianchang was chatting in the yard, and several children had already come back.

"I was surprised you didn't go out." Ningmengyao picked up her eyebrows and looked at some children, smiling.

Jomo Shang glanced at his mother and said with a disgruntled look: "Mom, we've been back for a long time. How can you come back?"

Ningmengyao picks eyebrows, is it her fault?

Go to Qiao Mo Shang's side and hold his face and say: "little monkey, you won't forget that the workshop is your thing?"

Jomo Shang blinks, blinks again. It seems that he has forgotten.

My parents have already given him the things here. I haven't come back before. I just forgot them.

"Mom, are you going to the workshop?"

"Or what do you think?" Ning Mengyao looks at her son and asks.

Qiao Mo Shang is embarrassed to touch his nose: "Niang you'd better."

"Come on, I've got goose bumps." Ning Mengyao said very much.

Jomo Shang looks at his mother and thinks that he wants to do more. How can he think of doing such a thing? If he doesn't take care of it, can his mother still go?

"Niang, we are going out to practice in a few days." Said Jomo Shang suddenly.

"Decided? Mu'er, he wants to come to you, so you're gone? " Ning Mengyao raised her eyebrow and asked her son.

Jomo Shang thought about it, then nodded, "well, I'm going to go first and look around."

"Now that you have made up your mind, I will not stop you."

"Mom, thank you."

He knew that his parents would like them to be around, just because they like things, so he didn't say anything. But now seeing Ning Mengyao's tolerant appearance, he suddenly didn't know what to say, and he didn't know whether he was right to do so.

Ningmengyao didn't see it, but Qiao Tianchang saw it: "Shanger, although we hope you will stay with us, we hope you will do what you like. Although you are still young, it doesn't hinder anything."

This is their own life, they can't interfere too much.

"Daddy sugar is with you." She didn't want to play outside. She wanted to stay with her parents.

"Don't you want to play like my brothers?" Qiao Tianchang asked with a raised eyebrow.

Sugar thought about it, then shook his head: "I don't want to go."

"Well? Why? " The interests of the three brothers and sisters are almost the same. Apart from their own learning, they like basically the same things. Now they tell him that their daughter doesn't want to go out to play? What's going on? Did he hear it wrong?

Tangtangduzui looks at Qiao Tianchang: "I want to wait for brother Qing to come and play together."

“……” Qiao Tian Chang looked down at his daughter and asked helplessly, "are you so worried that we are sad?"

"No, my father is accompanied by my mother, and my mother is accompanied by my father, so I won't be sad." Don't think she didn't know when she was a child. They will be happier when they are not in dad. After all, they can get along well with their mother.

Joe Tianchang looked at his daughter with tears and smiles and said, "you are really a ghost."

"And father wants to go out with his mother, right?" Tangtang looks at them. I'm very clear that you shouldn't fool me. This small appearance makes Joe rare.

"Yes, dad wants to take your mother around, because your mother has been busy since she married him. Now that it's over, dad wants to go out with your mother." Qiao Tianchang did not hide his ideas.

Feng Xiao and his family looked at each other with smiles in their eyes. Qiao mofeng was also very happy. He thought it was the greatest fortune in his life to have such a father and mother.