Ning Mengyao couldn't help crying and laughing at Xiao Mu, but her eyes were all helpless: "you boy, then stick to your grief brother, if he won't come for several years, I'll see what you do."

Xiao Mu shook his head decisively: "brother Shang won't come back for several years. He will certainly come back during the new year."

This is what brother Shang said before. He said that no matter where he was, he would return to aunt and they would be together in tongbaozhai. At that time, brother Shang would be very silent. Although brother Shang didn't say anything, he could know more about it. He was thinking about the second uncle and Aunt they.

"You know again?"

"Of course, this is what brother Shang said himself. He said that no matter where he was, he would come back to you in the new year. When he was in tongbaozhai, he would be in a bad mood every time he spent the new year." Of course, said Xiao Muli.

Ningmengyao was shocked, and then she couldn't help laughing. If it is true, it is possible. After all, although Qiao moshang is very independent, in fact, he likes to stick to them most.

Usually I can't see it. When no one is around, he will often follow them, do nothing or say anything, just follow them, just like their little tail.

"Then you can come back to see your brother Shang in the Spring Festival. Isn't that ok?" Ning Mengyao couldn't help laughing.

Xiao Mu nodded: "aunt is right, so I will go out to play in a few days."

Xiao Qitian reaches out his hand to his son, so serious and serious things, how can they all become like this when they arrive at his son? What does it mean that he is going to play? It's a bad guy to clean up.

Ning Mengyao glanced at Xiao Qitian and said, "what are you doing to pat the child on the head? That is to play, otherwise what do you HIA expect the child to do? "

Xiao Qitian reached out and touched his nose. His eyes were helpless: "I can't tell you."

"That's natural."

Qiao Tianchang listened to what they said, but he didn't open his mouth until they said something similar. "When mu'er goes out, write down what he saw and heard."


Xiao Qitian frowns at Qiao Tianchang and says, "Tianchang, do that..."

"Any comments?"

"I'm sure not, but is that really good for you?"

No good spirit of the white Xiao Qitian a look, very disgusted said: "this what bad?"

"Well, I won't say anything." Xiao Qitian expressed his surrender. In the matter of children's education, he really did not have the qualification to evaluate anything. After all, the people who have been educating Xiao Mu are their husband and wife.

Xiao Qitian stayed here for a few days and left. After he left, Xiao Mu also left, which made ningmengyao feel very bored. These children left one by one, leaving them as adults.

"Ah, they're leaving again. Let's stay. When do you think Huangfu Qing will come?" She knew that Huangfu Qing would come back in a short time. After all, he was still busy coming back to cultivate feelings with Tangtang.

For their feelings, Qiao Tianchang and they have never interfered. They just look at each other. In their hearts, if they grow up after sugar, they think Huangfu Qing is very good. If they want to marry him, they are also in favor. After all, this is the matter of two children.

As for Huangfu Qing, he also has a mind. It's much easier for him to deal with sugar and sugar, so that sugar and sugar can get used to his figure and everything, and then they can't do without it. However, such an effect seems to be good.


"Letter from my mother and brother Qing." Sugar ran out of the side, with a letter in his hand.

Ningmengyao reached out his hand and rubbed his eyebrows. He was helpless and looked at the person in front of him. He said with a headache, "what is this man doing?"

They just said that. The letter came back. Huangfu Qing didn't leave for long, did he? This is a letter? Isn't that reassuring?

"Aren't you happy, mother?" Tangtang is very sensitive to find that your own mother seems to be a little unhappy, and immediately some dumb and cute asked.

"Nothing, what did he say?"