Huangfu Qing didn't hear lingfu's words for a long time, which surprised him for a long time. Seeing lingfu looking at the front, his expression was dull, and he was very confused. What did he see? It was such an expression?

Turning around in doubt, I saw Jomo Shang coming out of it. I immediately understood what he was looking at.

"Why are you at home this time? Don't you go out? " Huangfu Qing asked curiously.

Lingfu is so lucky. Just after he came here, he met Qiao moshang. It's really Mind to heart.

"Xiaomu has something to do when he comes back to the capital. He needs my help. He just came back to see his parents." Jomo Shang said casually that when he saw lingfu, he was not surprised at all, as if he had already known it.


"Well, stay here when you come." Jomo mourns a light answer.

Before he came here, he had almost forgotten what he had done. At the moment when he saw lingfu, Qiao moshang suddenly thought that he had such a brother.

For this brother, Qiao moshang can't say what he felt. He once really liked this child, but later, he didn't like it.

It's just his eyes that make Joe Moshan think that it's not bad to have one more brother like this.

Lingfu was stunned, and then smiled, "thank you, brother."

He didn't expect that his brother would really accept him. After all, his appearance can be said to have uncovered the scar that Jomo once suffered. It's such pain.

"What are you doing standing at the door? Come on in. Tangtang has gone to the mountains to collect herbs. I'm afraid it will be a while before he comes back. " Qiao Mo Shang looks at Huangfu Qing and points to the mountain behind him. He says casually.

Huangfu was shocked, and then said, "then I'll find her."

"All right?"

"No problem. I can get in touch with her." Huangfu Qing nodded, just as Qiao Tianchang ningmengyao had a pair of eagles. They also had them. It didn't take much effort to find someone.

Jomo Shang nodded, "go on your own, I'll take him in and prepare a room for him."

"Of course, there's no problem with that. I'll go first."

After they left, the atmosphere between the two brothers became stiff. Lingfu didn't know what to say to Qiao moshang.

"How have you been these years?"

"Fortunately, I went to many places and saw many different things. I just know how naive I used to be. Elder brother, you were right at the beginning. It's no big deal if you don't go back to such a spiritual family." Lingfu lowered his eyes and laughed at himself.

Jomo Shangen said, did not continue the topic, from his expression, we can see that he has experienced a lot of things.

"The spirit family is gone?"

"Well, it's gone. It was destroyed by grandpa himself. Do you think it's a special irony?" In their eyes, the spiritual family is the most important thing, but in the end, their most important thing is destroyed in their hands, such a thing, how ironic.

There was no accident in Jomo's war, but he laughed: "it's a matter of time before the end of the family."

The spiritual family has done a lot of things that hurt the nature and are unjustifiable. For him, that is to be punished. It's not that he doesn't have time, it's just that time has not arrived.

Ling Fu looks at Qiao Mo Shang, his eyes are trance: "have you hated elder brother?"

That kind of thing, if it's him, it must be very resentful, right?

Jomo shangwant to shake his head also don't want: "no hate."

It's not that he doesn't hate, but that he doesn't have time to hate. Growing up in a honey pot, he can do whatever he likes. His daily work and doing what he likes are not enough. How can he spend time to hate?

Lingfu looks at Qiao moshang with complicated eyes. For him, lingfu is a wonderful flower now. How can he not hate it? If anyone can't wish to kill those people?

Jomo Shang glanced at Ling Fu and said, "I once said that I am grateful to them. Because of their hurt to me, my later life is fair."