"We're not here. Aren't you very well? How come you see us like this? " Ning Mengyao asked jokingly.

"Mom, we miss you." Tangtang pours into Ning Mengyao's arms.

He reached out his hand and rubbed the sugar head: "OK, aren't we back now? Your uncle Yufeng will be here today. Next Muer, you stay here. We will go back with you. In addition, you will go to see your grandfather. "


Sure enough, Yufeng and them came back that night. Ning Mengyao asked people to prepare barbecue shelves and parties. Everyone was also interested. After all, they hadn't been together for a long time.

When they knew they were going to barbecue in the evening, the children had already gone to catch a lot of prey.

Everyone talked about the experience and harvest of these years all night. They were also very clear about the story of Zhongning Mengyao. Everyone had a good time.

It's time for Xiao Mu to ascend the throne. Ning Mengyao and his family have gone to the capital. As for those who haven't come back, they have also come back in this time. When lingfu saw Xiao Mu, he knew why Qiao moshang wanted to help him. Xiao Mu is a king of Ming Dynasty and will do a lot.

When they arrived at the palace, Xiao Qitian and Xiao Qifeng were speechless: "you can really do it. You haven't heard from them for five years. You don't know where you have gone."

"I went to many places, and I also know what is the most important thing after mu'er became king." Qiao Tianchang said casually.

"Second uncle?"

"These are the things that happened after you took the throne. Don't think so much now."


The news of Qiao Tianchang's family's return to Beijing soon spread all over the capital. They also know the meaning of the couple. At once, some people with small thoughts put their hearts down. They dare not challenge Qiao Tianchang's authority.

Ten days later, the new emperor ascended the throne, and the empress was pregnant. The new emperor issued a series of policies that were good for the people. They strongly supported the private schools and the martial arts hall, and all the death penalty criminals were released after they had the heart to live.

For several days, the whole country celebrated together, and even the neighboring countries also sent congratulatory gifts to wish Xiao Guoxin emperor ascend the throne.

In Xiao Mu's first reign, he promoted many people and demoted a number of ministers. In front of the evidence, they had nothing to say but to do the idle work without much salary. As for Qiao moshang, who became the youngest prime minister of Xiao state, no one dared to say anything. Seven years ago, Qiao moshang's performance made people speechless, At that time, Jomo was less than 12 years old.

Ningmengyao and Xiaomu are very satisfied with the performance of qiaomoshang and Xiaomu. It's very good that they can do it and step by step.

"Mengyao, I'll go to your place with you. I was worried about mu'er, but now I'm in Ka. There's no problem with shang'er's help. I'm worried for nothing." Xiao Qitian said with a smile.

"Naturally welcome."

"You're not going to run again, are you?"


After the new emperor ascended the throne for half a month, Qiao Tianchang and his wife left together with Xiao Qitian, the emperor, and lived in seclusion in Baishan village. They never interfered in the new emperor's affairs. They just watched while watching the children put Xiao's management in order and finally felt relieved.

During this period, Qiao Tianchang and Ning Mengyao will go out for a walk from time to time, every time they leave for a year and a half, sometimes longer.

In Huacheng, Qiao Tianchang is standing in a large flower sea with Ning Mengyao in his arms: "Yaoyao, it's my greatest fortune to meet you in this life."

"Me too. Tianchang is a place we have been to before, but I think it seems more beautiful now."


"Tianchang, I want to go out again." Ning Mengyao turned and looked at the people behind him, blinking.

Qiao Tianchang stretched out his hand to hold Ning Mengyao, and his eyes were all spoiled: "I'll accompany you."

Yes, he will accompany her. They have a lifetime to go everywhere she wants.