Chapter 37: Little dude, how about going for a drive with me?

Name:The General's Vampire Omega Author:
Chapter 37: Little dude, how about going for a drive with me?

When Luo ZhouZhou woke up, it was already dawn. He was rubbing his eyes in a daze, wondering why Butler Li didn't wake him up today.

Luo Pei had a rule that every morning, whether it was a holiday or not, he had to get up at 7 a.m. and the whole family would eat breakfast together. Even if he dozed off while eating, he had to sit at the table on time.

And why was the light under the bed so bright? He rolled his eyes and found himself in a strange room, sleeping in a big bed. It took him a few seconds to remember that he had been at Chu Feng's house last night, had eaten his homemade tomato noodles, and drank beer.

He didn't remember the rest.

He guessed he was sleeping at his house now.

When there was no sound outside, Luo ZhouZhou got out of bed, put on his slippers, opened the door and walked out. The living room was quiet, and there was someone sleeping on the couch, after silently walking over, he found it was Chu Feng. The couch was a little short, and he had one foot on the armrest, one leg on the floor, and only a thin blanket between his chest and stomach.

Luo ZhouZhou tiptoed over to the couch and squatted down to get a closer look at his face.

After the night, Chu Feng's chin was covered in fresh stubble, which looked a little prickly, and he was tempted to poke at it, but he refrained from moving his fingers in the end. When he looked around, he found the Flame Sutra spread out on the coffee table, and there was an unclosed large terminal screen hanging in the air with pictures and descriptions of tall mountains.

"Mount Bino, the name given by the Olin Truth Church to the highlands of Nuhido, is located in the Nuhido district on the border of the Alliance"

"A set of toiletries has been prepared for you in the bathroom, go ahead and wash up." Chu Feng's deep, lazy voice sounded.

Not expecting him to suddenly speak, Luo ZhouZhou was startled. When he turned around, he saw that his eyes were still closed and he was still lying on the sofa.

"Are you awake?" Luo ZhouZhou asked.

"As soon as you opened the door, I woke up." Chu Feng opened his eyes and looked at him sideways, his eyes like light brown amber.

"I'm sorry for waking you up."

"It's okay, I was about to get up anyway." Chu Feng looked underneath him and added, "I slept on the couch."

Luo ZhouZhou asked, looking troubled, "What happened to me last night? And I took over your bed."

"What happened last night" Chu Feng trailed off and looked at the ceiling, laughing. Then he sat up on the couch, the thin blanket sliding off him. He raised his hand to turn off the mid-air terminal screen and asked, "Zhou Zhou, have you ever drunk alcohol?"

"I have."

"Ever gotten drunk?"

Luo ZhouZhou shook his head. He was a vampire, and alcohol had no effect on him. Even if he drank, he just wanted to taste the drink. Occasionally, late at night with a full moon, he would buy a few cans of beer and sit on the pointy roof of the attic, drinking and looking at the stars.

"You got drunk last night," Chu Feng held up two fingers to him, calmly stating, "From two cans of beer."

Luo ZhouZhou recalled what he had felt last night and thought in confusion, So that's what being drunk feels like.

"Go wash up, I'll prepare breakfast." Chu Feng folded up the thin blanket on the couch and walked to the kitchen. In the middle, he turned around and seriously said, "Don't ever get drunk again."

"Oh." Luo ZhouZhou hung his head and walked to the bathroom.

Chu Feng looked at his back and added, "You can drink at home, and you can also drink at my place. Anywhere else, you are not allowed."

Luo ZhouZhou turned back and asked grumpily, "Can I drink on the roof by myself?"

"No." Chu Feng replied with a blank face.

The bathroom was already stocked with a brand new toothbrush and towel, as well as a separate mouthwash cup. Luo ZhouZhou came out after washing up to find sandwiches and steaming hot milk on the dining table. The milk cup was as big as a vase, and filled to the brim.

"You eat first, I'll go wash up." Chu Feng waited for him to sit down before going to the bathroom.

Luo ZhouZhou didnt move and waited patiently until Chu Feng came back with wet hair. Then he carefully took a sip of the milk.

"I'll send you back when you're done." Chu Feng threw the wet towel into the laundry basket.

Luo ZhouZhou put down the milk and asked, "What about you?"

"I'll just leave, I can't possibly follow you into the General's residence and be shot by General Luo Pei." Chu Feng chuckled.

"The General is away on business."

"Well, that's not good either." Chu Feng took a bite of his sandwich and said, "That butler of yours is pretty scary too."

Luo ZhouZhou agreed with this statement, but he didnt say anything.

"What? Don't want me to go?" Chu Feng asked.

"Yes, I don't want you to go," Luo ZhouZhou answered honestly.

Chu Feng stopped eating, tilted his head in thought, and said, "I have found new clues and am going to investigate those murders.

Luo ZhouZhou picked at the table leg with his finger and whispered, "Then can I go with you?"

Chu Feng looked at him without replying.

Luo ZhouZhou picked at the table leg faster.The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

"Eat well and don't make any sharp noises."


"Come with me when you're done eating."

"Eh? We can go together?"

When Luo ZhouZhou saw his lips touching the spot where he had drunk, his heart suddenly beat faster and his face started to burn.

"So it's Little Tail" Chen SiHan's voice sounded coldly. "I wondered who you were talking to. Hello, Little Tail."

"Hello, Chen SiHan."

Chen SiHan said, "By the way, Jenny told me that you were asking her for my address, was there something you wanted to talk to me about?"

Luo ZhouZhou flinched, remembering that he first thought the pheromones he smelled were Chen SiHan's, and asked Jenny about his address. He reflexively went to look at Chu Feng, but ran straight into his gaze.

Chu Feng was looking at him, his eyes slightly narrowed.

Luo ZhouZhou felt inexplicably guilty and immediately looked away.

"Well no, that was before, now now it's fine." He stammered, explaining.

"Oh, if there is something wrong, just tell me directly and don't be polite." Chen SiHan said cheerfully.

"It's really nothing, but thank you."

When they finished, Chu Feng turned off the terminal. Luo ZhouZhou glanced at him, but he had already turned and gone to the bedroom.

A moment later, he put on a black jacket and came out.

"Come on, let's go to Lin WenCai's rented place." He grabbed the car keys at the entrance, speaking to Luo ZhouZhou in a light tone.

Luo ZhouZhou saw the car key in his hand and was about to ask, but he had already turned around and was out the door.

"Chu" As Chu Feng entered the elevator, Luo ZhouZhou's sentence broke off halfway. All he could do was rush to the couch, grab his backpack, hold it in his arms and chase after him.

In the elevator, Chu Feng was communicating with someone again, frowning slightly, his face serious. "Yes, send all his information mn I'll go for a walk"

Luo ZhouZhou didn't dare to speak out and disturb him, so he stood beside him in silence.

The elevator soon reached the first floor, and Chu Feng strode out, Luo ZhouZhou trotting behind him, staring at his back. His jacket and slim pants today made him look tall and long. Luo ZhouZhou looked down at his legs and quickened his pace.

"You guys keep in touch with Sheriff Chen" Chu Feng closed the terminal and walked over to the cell block parking space.

Looking at his empty space, he stopped and slapped his forehead.

"That one was towed away last night." Luo ZhouZhou ran up, panting slightly, "I wanted to warn you, but you were walking too fast."

Chu Feng turned to Luo ZhouZhou and asked, "What should we do? Even if we have the car brought here, we'll still have to wait an hour."

"Well, what then?" Luo ZhouZhou looked bewildered.

Chu Feng said, "Then we can only walk to the subway station and take the subway."

"Oh, okay." Luo ZhouZhou nodded his head without objection.

Chu Feng gave a troubled look and said, "It's far from the subway station."

"Never mind, let's go now." Luo ZhouZhou put the backpack in his arms on his back.

"Tell you what, why don't you go wait at the Bayard Sheriff's Office and I'll pick you up there when I'm done." Chu Feng said hesitantly.

Luo ZhouZhou instantly became alert, "You promised to let me come with you. You can't go back on your word." After saying that, he walked out and turned back, urging, "Let's go, let's go, don't delay."

But Chu Feng stood still and just looked at him. Gradually, his expression softened, and his eyes rippled with laughter. He tossed the car keys in his hand and said carelessly, "Oops, I grabbed the wrong keys."

"What?" Luo ZhouZhou asked.

Chu Feng replied, "I took the keys to the other car."

"The other car?"

"Yeah, theres one parked in the garage, but just as well, we need that car right now. Wait for me here, I'll go to the garage and then pick you up."

Luo ZhouZhou nodded his head happily when he heard that there was another car.

Chu Feng smiled at him, turned around, went back to the building, and walked down the security corridor to the underground level.

Luo ZhouZhou began to look around.

The neighborhood looked old, and the fence next to it was covered with wild green vines. There were not many people in the area, and occasionally one or two passed by, dressed in ordinary clothes.

He was waiting quietly when he suddenly heard a car engine roar through the entire neighborhood.

Following the sound, he saw a sapphire-blue streamlined sports car slowly coming from the end of the road.

The sunlight fell on the arrogant car body through the gaps in the branches and leaves, reflecting the dazzling light. The whole car was stylish and expensive, which was not in keeping with the run-down neighborhood. The driveway here was not wide, so Luo ZhouZhou looked to his left and right, backed up to a lawn with only a few short grasses, and made way for the car.

He never expected the sports car to come to a slow stop in front of him. With the window down, Chu Feng sat in the driver's seat, one hand on the door, and whistled to him, "Little dude, how about going for a drive with me?"

Luo ZhouZhou didn't react for a moment and stared at him blankly.

"It seems that you don't want to accept my invitation. Forget it, I'd better go alone." Chu Feng faked a long sigh, put on his sunglasses, and gestured to drive.

"Yes, yes, I'll go." Luo ZhouZhou then came to his senses and busily went to pull the car door.

Chu Feng pushed his sunglasses up, looked at him and smiled.