Chapter 72: Limitless Mana Dungeon (2)

Chapter 72: Limitless Mana Dungeon (2)

Really, I cant believe it.

Captain, what happened?

A hunter has entered this dungeon. While I was too relaxed, they invested a large amount of mana to gain entry.

How did they get in?

How? They poured all their mana into it, thats how.

Is that even possible?

Are you trying to joke with me?

Im sorry!

Kang Dong-hyun, who had summoned useful combat forces from within and beyond Hades, stationed hunters at the dungeon entrance.

A sealed dungeon opens its exit in one of two ways once it is conquered.

Either a new exit materializes, or the original entrance doubles as the exit, leading back to the same place.

Given that the chances were fifty-fifty, he deployed his forces as a precaution.

And in the event of a failed conquest, they would have to retreat through the entrance they used

In that sense, it was a tactically significant placement.

Hunters of various specializations were arrayed.

Not only close-range types adept with a range of weapons and long-range types with diverse binding attacks.

But also hunters skilled in spatial manipulation and rapid movement. It was an assortment that included nearly everything.

Can you tell me who went in?

Everyone seemed intrigued by the unexpected visitor.

To date, no hunter from Eclipse had dared to enter the Limitless Mana Dungeon.

If someone had boldly entered a dungeon that even Kang Dong-hyun had not, what did that say about their prowess?

You guys wouldnt recognize them even if I said the name. When they emerge, apprehend them and learn their identity. There will be a reward for that.

Kang Dong-hyun smirked and lit a cigarette.

Now it was a matter of patience.

It had been ages since he needed to await someone like this, but now, waiting was his only option.

Kang Dong-hyun persistently fed mana into the dungeon entrance as an experiment.

But despite using potions, he was unable to secure the entrance ticket the dungeon demanded.


Kang Dong-hyun sat down in a chair facing the entrance, deep in thought.

He meticulously arranged a net to capture Kang-hoo as soon as he emerged.

Unless Kang-hoo suddenly gained the ability to teleport, there was no escaping from Hades.

Capturing Kang-hoo seemed almost certain.

Once caught, what would be the best way to handle him?

Hes too clever for his own good to be controlled normally. Taming someone like him wont be easy.

It would be great if he willingly became his minion, but that was no easy feat.

Among his loyal hounds, there had been those who changed their minds and tried to betray him.

For Kang-hoo, who had started off on the wrong foot, the likelihood was even greater.


There was only one way.

The Tracker, both a source of pride and fear for Eclipse, would be a good example.

If Kang-hoo could be controlled using the mechanism of the Tracker, a human weapon operated through drugs, it might work.

He didnt even need to be used as a combat force.

With his level of mana utilization, just throwing him into a mana stone mine would replace the value of many prisoners.

Damn. Ive never waited this long for a woman, and now Im forced to wait like this; its not in my destiny.

Kang Dong-hyun lit another cigarette, his bitterness not easily soothed, as snickers echoed around him.

The first one to laugh, come here. Ill have you wait in a horse-riding stance until this wait is over.

Kang Dong-hyun was in a mischievously playful mood.

About ten minutes later.


Ard bit his tongue and collapsed in front of Kang-hoo, eyes bulging, breath ceasing.

Even dealing with this one took up so much stamina. The dungeons difficulty is indeed high.

Kang-hoo irritably wiped the thick beads of sweat off his forehead. It had taken longer than he expected.


[Skill Proficiency: Lv Max]

[Summons a medium-sized slime approximately 3m wide and 2m tall. It possesses no attack capabilities.]


He found it a skill whose name he would rather not say aloud.

Despite its name, the skill was practical for certain scenarios.

The slimes considerable volume and opaque color made it useful for creating barriers.

It might also serve as a shield to intercept bothersome long-range attacks.

If I hadnt intercepted it, I would have regretted it later.

Forcing his way in had been worth it.

He had stolen skills, experience points, magnetites, and itemsthere was no shortage of rewards.

The thought that all these could have gone to Kang Dong-hyun or his affiliates

It certainly twisted his stomach.

Growing on his own was rewarding, but stealing a villains gains for growth was even more gratifying.

The difference in the magnetites and items he hadnt obtained today might have become a thorn in his side later.

The moment he conquered the boss monster marked half a day since Kang-hoo had entered the Limitless Mana Dungeon.

He had reached level 94.

This achievement alone brought him close to what many would call a second heyday in a hunters life: level 100.

Furthermore, the boss monster had dropped 2 magnetites, bringing his total to 5.

Considering that over 90% of hunters never even glimpsed a magnetite in their lifetimes, this was a monumental success.

The passive skill he had stolen from the boss monster had permanently increased Kang-hoos health.

[Enlightenment - Blood]

[Skill Proficiency: Lv Max]

[Permanently increases 'health' by 100.]

The passive skill Enlightenment could also increase mana, depending on the choice.

But since Kang-hoo already possessed the skill book of the Age of Barbarism, there was no need to increase mana.

[Skill Book Age of Barbarism]

[Special Note: Berserker Exclusive]

[If the learner's mana stat is below 50, all skill mana costs are reduced by 50%.]

In that case,

should the mana stat exceed 50, the skill book would become useless.

Given Kang-hoos wide array of skills and the need for diverse stat distribution, careful planning was essential.

A concern unique to Kang-hoo.

Ill take my time thinking about how to use the 5 magnetites for upgrades.

The manner in which he upgraded his skills would completely alter their application in battle.

There were too many options to consider for an impulsive decision.

Then lets take a deep breath.

Kang-hoo steadied his breath.

Entering the exit might lead him to an unexpected location, or he could reappear through the same entrance he had used.

In the latter case, Kang Dong-hyun would likely be there.

Certainly not alone, but with a large number of his subordinates waiting.

Even a half-second of hesitation could result in him being stung to death in a beehive or completely immobilized.

[Protection - Stage 2]

[Protective Barrier]

After preparing his defenses,


Kang-hoo stepped toward the exit.

The next moment,

Hes out! Catch him!

Tie him up!

Block his movement area!

The what-ifs had indeed become reality.