Chapter 80

This match, they were destined not to take first place.

First there was no map, then they were blocked by the giant snake, and after that the leopard, they had already wasted too much time.

Add to that Chloe still sleeping now, not only did they have no hope for the championship this time, they couldn't even take second place.

Unlucky, simply unlucky beyond words.

In terms of difference in results, there definitely was one, but compared to rankings, for members of the First Military Academy protagonist team, their teammates' safety was still the most important.

Daniel coughed a few times, wiped a tree stump clean with some leaves, sat on it and said:

"Anyway we can't get a ranking now either, let's not go waste our energy."

After saying that, he looked left and right, his hands itching a bit: "Speaking of, are you guys hungry? Want to eat something? I can go catch some small animals."

When he said this, everyone else also felt it made sense.

That's right, anyway they couldn't get a ranking now either, so what were they still working hard for?

Daniel happily ran off to hunt for prey, while the others stayed put to start a fire and set up a stove, and started setting up to eat.

The audience who were still watching the First Military Academy side, luckily got to watch the military academy students' wilderness survival documentary.

Anderson stayed by the sleeping Chloe's side, while the others were hunting or starting fires. Katherine looked left and right, and finally picked up some firewood and built a simple shelter.

Elves were nimble with their hands and minds, this small wooden house had ample space, with the roof and walls fitted together seamlessly, not letting in even a wisp of the wind from outside.

Katherine had also gathered a lot of banana leaves to use as roof tiles, sealing them onto the roof with a viscous substance, ensuring no leaks.

After it was built, Anderson brought Chloe inside.Foolloow new stories at

There was soft hay laid inside, finally allowing Anderson to free up his hands to help the others.

The military academies joint competition, turned into a wilderness campout by them.

With nothing to compete for, the carefree First Military Academy protagonist team had practically forgotten what day it was, spending their days fishing, hunting birds, stealing chickens and dogs, all sorts of jungle delicacies hunted by them, then roasted over the fire rack until the skin was golden brown and the inside oozing with oil.

Compared to the other military academies battling fiercely with each other, the First Military Academy side was simply picture of halcyon days.

【They have completely given up......】

【Yes, but that roasted snake smells so good...I really want to eat some.】

【They are even making soup!】

Chloe turned her head, gaze falling on Anderson.

After looking at him for a while, the corner of her lips curled up.

Of course, any of these four teammates could have been the one to save her, but in terms of having the composure to help clean the dirt off her body after, only Anderson would do that.

After about three to four hours, this bunch of teammates finally groggily awoke.

Daniel was first to bounce up excitedly, pouncing over:

"Chloe!!! I missed you to death hahaha!"

Before his voice faded, his chest was blocked by Chloe's knife handle.

The girl's voice held disdain:

"Ugh, filthy from head to toe, stay away from me."

Hearing this, Daniel instantly revealed a pitiful expression.

"Even Anderson looks down on me, and now you look down on me too, life really is unbearable now."

Chloe scolded: "You still have the nerve to talk, I'm asking you, weren't these mushrooms you picked?"

Silence descended.

Daniel scratched his head awkwardly, avoiding her gaze: "Uh, I have some stuff to take care of, I remember it's time for me to go out hunting now."

After saying that he turned to run.

Chloe brandished her knife chasing him: "You bastard! What if I hadn't woken up?! You wouldn't even know if you had been eaten by some beast or not by then!"

Daniel knew he was in the wrong but didn't want to get beat up, and his legs scrambled swiftly.

Chloe chased him, and was about to speed past Anderson when she suddenly halted her footsteps.

Anderson, who had only been silently watching her, revealed an astonished expression on his face: "....Missy?"

Just as the words left his mouth Chloe hugged him.

The girl's body was exceptionally soft, and Anderson's body stiffened.

Chloe's voice held suppressed laughter, sincerely saying:

"This time, I really have to thank you."