notes : srry if there’s any typos. Also I’ve been removing some sentences that I don’t understand, really it’s just impossible to understand them so I just press delete. Sorry.


Risking your life is not a phrase that can be uttered so easily.

Therefore, it is widely understood that in a life-threatening situation, a sacrifice or cost is needed.

This holds true for everyone else here as well…

“Hey! Bring some more meat here!”

“Hey, we’re going to have a big event soon, so is it okay to drink like that?”

“It might be the last cup anyway, so let me drink it!”

For a situation where one’s own life could be gone, the overall atmosphere was a festive atmosphere, with some drinking alcohol from midday onwards, while others quietly put food in their mouths and tried to keep their composure.

However, no matter how much they tried to appear happy, the atmosphere wasn’t as cheerful as they wanted it to be.

There was a lingering concern about the fact that he could lose his life in the process.

The age range varied greatly, with people from young newcomers to seasoned elders and seniors who had lived long enough to no longer fear the present.

“Grandpa… I’ll definitely pay for your treatment…”

“If I make it through this quest, I’ll make a significant leap forward in life! Hahaha!”

“If you contribute to the subjugation of the Elder Dragon, you can live as an honorable person until the day you die.”

Each individual had their own unique circumstances, and their motivations for joining the subjugation varied, whether it was for the pursuit of fame or simply for monetary gain.

Even if one were to assume otherwise, with over 50 adventurers gathered like this, the reward would be substantial enough to sustain a comfortable lifestyle for at least five years.

Well, considering the setting alone, I thought it was a natural situation because I was that strong, and thinking that I was participating in person rather than looking through the monitor, I didn’t feel like I was getting a lot of money with the price of risking my life.

“Hahahaha!! You’re not looking very energized,Harold! Get your energy up!”

Paulo, who offered me words of encouragement with a hit on the back said that.

I frowned, feeling a burning sensation and a sharp pain from the hard hit on my back.

“Paulo, could you please go easy on me? My back can’t handle these heavy hits every time, haha..”

It’s not a joke, the impact is truly brutal. It feels like being hit with full force by a strong, bearded man..

Isn’t that just Paulo? Bearded and strong…

“Oh, right? But don’t worry! I want to hit you with all my full power, but I can’t! Hahaha!”

No, you were wrong from the beginning of the thought of trying to hit me with all your might to my slender body that just looks weak compared to your big body…

“More than that, Harold, are you worried? Your face is full of concern.”

I was lost in deep thought, so my expression was complex, but I wasn’t genuinely worried.

Considering the magic I received from Eleanor, the middle boss, Mir, is no match with that. With that magic , I can defeat the final boss in an instant, regardless of its attacks.

Even if that’s a powerful magic… If, for some reason, it doesn’t work, like if the boss dodges or is immune to it, my life will be in jeopardy.

Since it’s a powerful spell, it consumes a significant amount of mana. If I use it once or twice, I’ll be left unable to fight due to the depletion of my mana.

In simple terms, it’s a high-risk, high-reward situation. I can choose to use low-risk, low-cost magic, but the payoff won’t be as great. Above all, it’s crucial to finish the battle quickly because the opponent is strong.

So, I have to be cautious, I shouldn’t use that spell unnecessarily, as it could miss the target and draw the aggro to me.

The best approach is to carefully observe the situation, patiently wait for the right moment, and then unleash the magic percisely, swiftly eliminating the opponent in a single strike.

“Haha… I have a lot to think about for a while, but it’s okay now, so you shouldn’t be worried about it.”

Paulo turned out to be a genuinely kind person when we first met. At the beginning, I thought his actions were just part of the game, but as time went on, I saw his true virtues and it made me realize that I had misjudged him.

Even now, He was smiling brightly on the outside, probably because I was making a funny expression, but when I looked closely, there was sadness in his eyes.

“Uh-huh! Well then, that’s good! Eat enough! Strength is in our stamina!”

And while it’s not alcohol, he hands me a yellow drink glass and lifts it up to me.

“Yes… Cheer up!”

With those words, they toast each other’s cups and pray for peace on the journey ahead.



After finishing all the preparations, we set out to subdue the old dragon and the dark-eating Mir, and we started walking endlessly towards the top of the mountain.

Even though I had a full meal, I was gasping for breath as we climbed the hill without stopping. I felt tired even before the battle started.

Whether it was due to my weak physical stamina or others’ exceptional fitness, everyone else seemed to climb the mountain effortlessly while breathing calmly, unlike me.

“Aren’t you already tired? Can you really do the dragon hunting like this?”

Paulo, in a slightly concerned tone, expressed his words and offered his hand to me, allowing me to walk more comfortably.


Then, at some point, the people in front of me came to a halt, and I naturally stopped walking, turning my gaze towards them.

“Have we arrived?”

“Uh… I guess so…”

The scenery of the once lush forest with countless trees had transformed into a scene of devastation, with broken trees scattered all around.

The contrast between the previous abundance and the current wreckage was striking, resembling a colossal baseball field of destruction.

I narrowed my eyes and tried to look as far away as possible, and at the far end of my field of vision, a monster with black skin that looked like a mountain and hard like a rock was sleeping.

Although the wings and skin looked tattered on the outside, it seemed to show that it was an absolute strong monster who fought so many battles.

“Okay, I think it’s asleep. Once a dragon falls asleep, it’s easy enough that it doesn’t wake up, so we’ll be preparing for a surprise attack.”

A person who seems to be the leader of the expedition said that and made a gesture that is difficult for me to understand…


Soon after, demons to approach Mir, who was peacefully sleeping and drooling. These menacing creatures closed in on the slumbering dragon, their intentions shrouded in mystery.

“Those demons… Just looking at them, looks like there are more than 10… What should we do?”

When Paulo posed that question, a sense of unease rippled through the group. It became apparent that others were grappling with their own concerns.

The looming threat of Mir was already daunting, but there were also ten other formidable monsters that needed to be dealt with in this small expedition.

Each one required careful coordination and strategy. The magnitude of the task ahead weighed heavily on everyone’s mind.

“Fortunately, it seems that we haven’t been spotted yet. Their main focus is still on Mir, so let’s keep an eye to the situation.”

As the commander of the expedition team issued the order, tension filled the air, and a collective sigh escaped from the group.

They understood the importance of remaining hidden and adopted cautious postures, fully aware of the seriousness of the situation.


The demons ran at Mir at once with loud and creepy screams…


The black dragon, sensing the imminent attack, swiftly stood up, its eyes flashing with anticipation, even before the demons could make contact with its skin.


Then, it rises up with a thunderous roar that deafens even those of us who are far away.


“Damn it’s so loud!”

“My ears feel like they’re about to burst…!!”

While all of them spit out voices of astonishment and dazed in fear…


Mir relentlessly hunts the demons and swallows them whole with its vicious snout.


The demons whose bodies were torn like a piece of paper by Mir’s pure force died instantly and turned into corpses to fill Mir’s stomach.

“It’s ridiculous… Even if we need several skilled adventurers so beat those demons…”

“They’re being slaughtered so easily…”

“Damn! That dragon treating those demons like snacks!”

Some people covered their mouths, their eyes narrowing in disgust at the repulsive sound that made them grimace. Others were filled with terror, collapsing to the ground like frightened children.


Mir, who overwhelms all the demons in less than 5 minutes and devours them satisfactorily, wants to lay down again but…

“It saw us!!”

“What should we do?! We came here with the intention to defeat it, but seeing its power, it seems impossible…!”

Mir, who noticed us with his excellent animal senses, opened his snout, still dripping with black blood, and roared once more.



Those who witnessed the brutal massacre were overwhelmed by the sheer horror of it, feeling a sense of dread that shook them to their core.

The force of the sound waves alone caused them to recoil and tremble, leaving them in a state of shock and fear.

“Ugh… Now that things have escalated to this point, it’s time to initiate the subjugation! Everyone, stick to the strategy and take action!”

As the leader of the expeditionary team, unable to witness the scene any longer, mustered the courage and charged forward.

Some members followed suit, forming the commanded camp as instructed. However, there were others who hesitated, unsure of how to proceed…

“It’s too much…! I can’t!”

“It’s absurd to deal with such a monster!”

There were also individuals who were completely consumed by fear, their minds paralyzed, and they didn’t even dare to look back.

“Harold, stay close…!”

With those words, Mr. Paulo dashes forward with a swift agility that defies his massive stature.

I try my best to keep up with him and engage with my own task.

It’s a scene I’ve witnessed countless times in the game, but seeing it unfold right before my eyes sends my heart racing, filling me with a mixture of excitement and fear that threatens to overwhelm me, pulling me away from the battlefield in my mind.


When the command to attack is given, I push aside my fear and gather magical energy at my fingertips, unleashing a spell of the appropriate level for attacking.


Mir, who has been bombarded with magic by several wizards, lets out a pained groan and lifts its colossal feet.

Despite its already massive size that overwhelms onlookers, it attempts to expand its body further, as if trying to darken the open sky.

“Eat it you monster! Everyone keep shooting!!”

At the command of the captain, Mir carefully releases a breath of magic that seems to be harmless.


However, to everyone’s shock, Mir’s subsequent breath unleashes a torrent of flames, engulfing many and resulting in numerous injuries and fatalities.

“Arghhhh!!! My arm!!”

“An injured person here!!”

“We need priest!!!”

In the midst of the chaos, the priority changes into defeating Mir quickly to prevent further casualties.


Then, unable to withstand the firepower, Mir spread its wings and widened the distance from us.

Now’s the chance!

Thinking it was a chance I couldn’t afford to miss, I emptied all my stored mana that I’ve been saving and unleashed a powerful spell.

[Gravity Field!]

As the spell took effect, Mir sensed its body growing heavier and quickly leaped into the sky before crashing down to the ground…


The spell entwines Mir’s massive body with a dazzling golden chain, immobilizing it and preventing any escape attempts.

Clank! Clank! Clank!

The chain shakes at Mir’s fierce resistance and begins to make an uneasy sound as if it will break at any moment.

I need tu hurry!….

I started to feel impatient, but I focused on calming my mind and regulating my breathing.

The larger the magic I need to cast, the more time it takes to gather and concentrate the mana


Damn it!

As the chains gradually unravel, anxiety threatens to consume me, but I make a conscious effort to maintain my composure.

If it weren’t for the protection of the spirit, I wouldn’t have been able to come this far and proceed so smoothly…


[Thunder Strike!]

As soon as the spell preparations were finished, a thunderstorm of blue lightning was dropped directly over Mir’s head.


I can’t let the dazzling light that turns the sky blue overwhelm my vision. I have to keep a firm grip on my focus on the spell.

“Ugh… Harold! Did it work?!”

Paulo shouted my name amidst the raging storm that followed the thunder, but the deafening sound of lightning drowned out his voice.


All I could hear was a sharp, deafening sound and Mir’s painful roar.

“Uh… Uh…! Ugh…!!!”

After expending all of my mana, the spell stopped and the sky returned to its previous calm state.

“Huff… huff… huff…”

These powerful spells are not easily controlled, so once you cast them, you must expend all your magical energy to maintain control and prevent it from damaging your allies.

“Ugh… Uh…”

I struggled to maintain consciousness, forcefully gripping the dizziness that threatens to make my head spin and my vision fade rapidly.

As I retrieve the mana potion I had concealed in my arms and gulp it down, the dizziness gradually subsides and my blurred vision starts to clear.

Thankfully, I managed to avoid fainting from mana depletion, but casting any more spells beyond this point seems almost impossible.

“Harold… what are you?”

Paulo, who sat beside me, spoke with a mix of pride and uneasy suspicion.

“Haha… Well.., I’m just an ordinary adventurer….”

I replied, with my vision still blurry. But my response seemed to anger him.

“Tell me the truth! There aren’t many wizards in the world who can easily attack dragons  like this! And those spells-!”

“I truly am just an adventurer… though my methods may be peculiar, it’s the truth..”

Frustrated by my repeated answer, he narrowed his eyes suspiciously, as if he didn’t quite believe it. But then he let out a sigh and offered his support.

“For now, I’ll accept that… I’m not in the best mood right now, so we’ll discuss this later.”

With that, I nodded and, with his help, we made our way towards Mir’s location.A huge dust storm arose and covered the surrounding area as if a mist had formed, so Mir could not be seen.

“By the way, what happened to Mir? I can’t see it, but I don’t feel any movement… Maybe…”

Mumbling to himself, immersed in many thoughts, he immediately spit out lines that he shouldn’t have shouted out.

Shit! This guy is going to say something that’ll raise a flag!-

“Did we succeed Harold?!”

“Paulo! Don’t say that-!”


Then, the fog-like piles of sand that filled this place are sucked into the center of the place like a black hole.


A wave of despair washed over me, causing my body to feel heavy, and my mind to bend under its weight. My legs grew weak, as if they had lost all strength.


Soon, the piercing scream of Mir echoes through the air, and the word “run away” keeps repeating in my mind.

What now? I am powerless to fight, and with all my mana depleted, can others finish it off?

However, the remaining few individuals are not capable enough. It seems impossible to win, no matter how you look at it.

As the dust settles, the spot where Mir once stood becomes visible, like dissipating mist.

“Huh? Mir is gone…?”

The vital presence of Mir has disappeared without a trace. What could have happened? Did it escape?

If that were the case, it would be more fortunate than unfortunate, but based on my knowledge of the game, such a development never occurred.

“Paulo…! Mir is gone-“

“Who is gone?”




The voice of a woman I had never heard before in my life made me surprised without realizing it.

I looked at Paulo for a moment, but surely it’s not his voice… But there was something strange about his expression.

He was staring at something, his eyes wide open and his mouth wide open as if he had lost what to say.

As a result, I turn my head to the side he is looking at…

“What the hell did you see-“

“If it were not me, who would be standing here in front of you then?”

A beautiful woman stood in front of me.

A woman, who had not been part of the expedition, stood before me, clad in ominous black armor. Inside that armor was a beautiful woman with red eyes and short hair, giving off an evil and unsettling feeling.

She stood proudly in front of me, her chest held high in a display of confidence.

“I have been observing you all this time, and your magic is truly impressive. It has been thousands of years since I have seen a wizard who has earned my admiration in this world…”

It’s absurd… really absurd…

This could never happen…

Desperately rejecting the reality that keeps flying into my head, I deny the existence in front of me.

“It is alright if you react that way, I will not take it personally. But I have a liking for strong person, so please do not make such a foolish expression.”

However, the existence in front of me introduces itself as if to shatter my thoughts.

“I, the ancient dragon Mir, who have feasted upon darkness for eons, hereby declare that I am in love with you right now!”