If they missed something, the system wouldn't fix it for them.
The good thing about this was that as long as they thought of something to build, the system would provide them with NPCs to help.
Once everything was built, they wouldn't be lacking anything.
They chose to build an ironworks because there was a quarry near Ulon Town.
Flower Deer had visited it before and saw that the quarry produced a lot of ore.
The raw materials were already available, and they could build the ironworks nearby, which would be very convenient.
Flower Deer made a good point, but Master PungPong was confused and asked, "But how do we build a factory? How do we smelt iron? And what do we do with the iron once it's made?"
Master PungPong didn't know what to say.
He just looked at Flower Deer with admiration, almost ready to call her a genius.
The quest to build the town sparked a lot of discussion among the beta test players.
In fact, Hanjun hadn't thought that far ahead—he was just a little bit lazy and decided to leave the town-building quest entirely up to the players.
No matter what the final town looked like, the players would have to deal with the results themselves.
Before Hanjun announced that new beta test players would be selected, he checked online to see what people were saying about his game.
In just two days, he noticed that the internet had completely changed.
The trending topics were all about the world's first holographic game, <<God's Games Online>>.