v2 Chapter 559: James: I decided to use my talent ...

In this way, the Spurs, Grizzlies, Pelicans, Rockets, Mavericks, the new season in the Southwest Division is more tragic than last season.

This signing of the Spurs once again set off a storm in the free market.

At the same time, the unwilling Anthony announced that he would narrow down his family to the Heat, Bulls and Knicks.

At this point in time, most people already have a rough judgment on the next free market situation.

Basically, Anthony's going to stay decides James's going to stay.

News of the connection between the Heat and Anthony also frequently came from oj.

The possibility of a new generation of brother basketball is very high.

At this time, other news of the signing of the alliance broke out one after another.

Aldridge refused to renew the contract with the Trail Blazers for 5 years in advance of 180 million. He will implement the last year of the contract and wait until the summer test of the free agent market in summer

Pierce signed Wizards for 11 years in 2 years;

Irving renewed the Cavaliers in advance for 5 years at 90 million;

James and Wade communicated on the plane, but Wade did not know James' choice now;

Anthony announced that the Bulls are out, he will choose between the Knicks and the Heat;


Just as there was constant news on the free market, the information of the other two veterans also attracted attention.

After Ray Allen won the championship with his team, although he had no plans to retire, he announced that he would not play in the NBA next season.

Obviously, after the Heat got their second championship, the gentleman Lei's career is nearly complete.

Almost at the same time, Nash also announced his retirement on Twitter, officially ending his career.

The two-time MVP winner, Son of the Wind, a man with his own system, who failed to win the championship at the end of his career, withdrew from the NBA stage with a trace of regret.

While sighing and sighing, fans inevitably lamented the end of the stars in the early century.

Time unconsciously came to July 12, and the door of the free market had come to the end.

"LeBron, are you sure?"

In his private residence, Rich Paul finally confirmed to James.

James nodded.

Paul saw James' move, took out his mobile phone, and sent a message to the staff who had been waiting at the Sports Illustrated.

After sending the message, he took a long breath and then got up and hugged James.

"This will be a new beginning."

Paul said.

James nodded with a smile.

The outside world thinks he hasn't been moving, waiting for Anthony's decision, but it's not true.

He waited for Riley, or he was giving Riley a chance.

If the Heat can build a sufficiently competitive lineup, he will still choose to stay.

But Riley hasn't done anything except waiting for him, which made him finally determined.

He has been a supporting role for so many years, and finally he will be the protagonist this year. He will not want to experience the kind of life he once was.

So he made a choice, as Paul said, it would be a new beginning.

After an hour, Sports Illustrated released exclusive information.

The content of the message is very simple, but it is more powerful than any previous message.

James confirmed his return to the Cavaliers.

Subsequently, James confirmed the news through his own ins.

Oj also followed up reports that Cavaliers boss Dan Gilbert and James and James 'agent Rich Paul met in Miami last week. Their meeting lasted 4 hours and solved the problem of James' return.

James is expected to sign a four-year 88 million contract with the Cavaliers, and the Cavaliers will also "meet all James' requirements."

After this news was released, it also triggered a series of events.

As a close friend of James, Wade didn't know James' final decision until then.

"We have become friends when we entered the league and established very close relationships in the past four years. For me, whether from a personal perspective or a professional perspective, the cooperation between the two of us It's so special. "

"LeBron made the right decision for himself and his family, because home is the harbor to which your heart belongs. I know this is not a decision that can be made easily, and I support him to return to his hometown."

"As a friend and teammate, I am sad to see brother LeBron leaving the team."

"But as an organization and a team, I am very happy that we have achieved the goals set when we signed the contract together. We are the championship."

Wade issued a statement in which he blessed James, but he could feel his sadness and disappointment from the line of words.

For the Flash, as a friend, leaving is not completely unacceptable. What is unacceptable is leaving without telling me in advance.

At the same time in Cleveland, the fans who had gathered outside the James mansion and burned or ripped the James jersey came here again.

Many of them wore ripped jerseys and cheered and celebrated here.

After James left, the Cavaliers got three top picks, but at present, there is still no sign of rising.

James' return is undoubtedly the biggest reinforcement, which is even more valuable than the three top picks.

Just like the NBA is a business field, there are no permanent enemies and friends, most fans are also scratching their heads.

Just an hour after this, Mike Miller followed James's footsteps and joined the Cavaliers.

Barkley in the TNT Big Three also made a speech soon.

"From now on I am a lifelong James, which goes beyond basketball."

Barkley later said that he had stayed in the NBA for 30 years, and James left the weak and returned to the Cavaliers is the most exciting thing he has seen.

Social media was paralyzed afterwards, and the fans' comments reached an unprecedented peak.

"Slot, this is even more explosive than Bosh went to the Rockets. Okay, it brings more championships to Miami. Is this gone?"

"My eyes are almost blind. This is the first time I have seen a team core leave the team immediately after winning the championship!"

"I don't understand, I really don't understand, this is unreasonable!"

"If you don't take a hit, I actually guessed this ending after Bosh left. The Heat haven't moved in the free market. The Heat's strength has fallen and it's no longer a hot topic to win the championship ~ www.novelhall.com ~ LeBron didn't The reason will go back again. "

"It seems really true that James is a businessman besides a player!"

"It's so distressing for Wade. His statement, as the closest friends and teammates, also knows the news like us ..."

"I treat you as your best friend, but you treat me as an ordinary friend?"

"But the Cavaliers are not good, Irving is OK, but in addition to Irving, the most popular champion Bennett, there is a rookie Wiggins?"

"Relax, Gilbert has said that he will meet all LeBron's requirements, and there will definitely be follow-up transactions."

"Huh, brother basketball is over, is this hometown basketball?"


ps: I made a modification to Chapter 557 and added the part of Bosh. I wrote it before that part, but because I went to Hangzhou to have a notebook, I missed it when uploading it, so I made it back, and everyone will go back and see It will do it once.