Chapter 27 Crystal golem uniqueness

Name:The Golem Mage Author:
27 Crystal golem uniqueness

Brandon retreated to a quiet corner in the courtyard, finding solace in meditation as he sought to replenish his depleted mana.

He knew that he needed to regain his strength for the upcoming round, since Alec made it clear that they would be sparring continuously.

Observing Brandon's behavior, Alec nodded in approval.

However, Arthur couldn't help but feel a urge to throw up as

It was disconcerting to see Alec exuding such maturity and composure, especially considering they were of the same age.

"Begin," Alec commanded,

And the golems moved forward, Surprisingly, the six-armed zombies hesitated and backed away.

However, the other golem, adorned with a power crystal on its chest, continued to advance gracefully towards Arthur.

"Oh, great, I only have to face one of these guys, Easy peasy," Arthur said confidently.

Summoning his familiar stone bullet spell, Arthur created ten sharp stones that swiftly spiraled upward.

He planned to disrupt the golem's movement with this attack.

To Arthur's dismay, the golem simply raised its hand, conjuring a golden shield that effortlessly blocked all of the stone bullets.

"Damn it! How is that fair?, This is clearly cheating," Arthur protested, frustration coursing through him.

The resounding clank of the stones hitting the shield echoed in the air, leaving visible dents.

However, it did nothing to impede the golem's relentless march.

The golem's chest emitted a brilliant golden glow, and even Arthur could perceive the crystal's color dimming.

He knew that an attack was imminent, but he was uncertain about the nature of the next attack.

Reacting swiftly, he emulated the golem's earlier move, creating a metal shield.

Usually, he would have used an earth wall or earth shield, but witnessing the golem's mastery of the metal shield technique made him realize he had been neglecting the use of his other element skill.

Earth wall consumed more mana, and the earth shield was cumbersome in comparison.

However, Arthur's awe quickly turned to shock as he saw five metal blades materializing in the air, pointing directly at him with precision.

"Are you kidding me? How is this a freaking unclassified golem? It's already using a Tier 1 magical spell," Arthur exclaimed,

frustration laced in his voice as he futilely attempted to dodge.

However, his efforts were in vain as the gleaming golden blade pierced his skin, or so he thought.

To his surprise, nothing happened as the blades disintegrated upon contact with Arthur's skin.

"Don't worry, I made sure they wouldn't harm you, The moment it believed it had won, it ceased its attack," Alec reassured, explaining the situation.

Joining forces would have been overkill.

"Why don't you go over there and meditate with Brandon?, Once your mana pool is full again, you can engage in another battle," Alec suggested, offering a solution.

"What?!" Arthur protested, desperate to have a moment of respite.

"Practice makes perfect, You've made small improvements, even if you can't see it. I'm just here to help push you towards your goals," Alec explained, his intentions masked by his outward sincerity.

"Why do I feel like I'm being scammed?" Arthur grumbled inwardly, his intuition on high alert.

The truth was that Alec did have ulterior motives.

Arthur and Brandon were being manipulated, pawns in a larger scheme.

Even the six-armed golem failed to awaken anything within them, The fight was simply not challenging enough.

Despite Alec's hidden agenda, his words held some truth.

Arthur was on the cusp of reaching the mid-tier one mage realm, making progress.

[Gordon Arthur]

Level: Low-tier one (85/100) until next realm

Race: Human

Battle power: 80

Affinity: Earth (mid), Metal (High)

[Specialized skills]

□ Stone bullet (Level 5)

□ Earth compression (Level 2)

□ Earth spear (Level 2)

□ Metal manipulation (Level 2)

□ Metal sword (Level 1)

□ Metal gloves (Level 1)

Alec felt a mix of surprise and pride as he observed the new skills that had suddenly appeared in his repertoire, including the metal gloves skill.

It was evident that he had learned and developed these abilities on his own, without relying on skill books or seeking guidance from the elders of the family.

"Just a little push, and you'll have a breakthrough into a new realm," Alec whispered to himself, feeling hopeful for his two siblings who were currently meditating under the comforting shade of a nearby tree.

With a determined stride, Alec approached his newly created golems, eager to reexamine their stats and gather more information.