Chapter 102 Iver Dragonmir vs Alec Gordons (Part 3)

Name:The Golem Mage Author:
Chapter 102 Iver Dragonmir vs Alec Gordons (Part 3)

Iver was quick to react to the threat, he quickly stretched his hand behind him yanking one of the spiders away, when he stared at the metal spider his anger reached the peak as he used his strength to crush it

But an explosion happen the moment he crushed the spider blasting straight in his face, though it might have only had the power of a Peak Tier 1 mage spell VIsiT n0(v)eLb(i)(n).com for the best novel reading experience

It still disrupted his concentration and frustrated him when it happened, since he was practically blind for about 2 seconds, the metal spiders seems to have an ability to steal mana and use it to reinforce there body

" Arrrghh I would break you to pieces just like the piece of metal you are" Iver shouted in rage as he used his mana to coat his body spreading it all around hi body while the remaining metal spiders on his body exploded

Flinging him far away, Iver looked shocked as he stood up slowly while spurting a mouthful of blood, this made the audience shocked to the core before this match started no one expected that

Iver would be in a tight spot like this not able to do any thing at all, but being played around by Alec's golems told them they have to keep there options wide , as Alec had not even moved from where he and Iver had a stand off

He was still standing there watching all that was happening, with an indifference look on his face it was like the battle going on had nothing to do with him

" hope you liked my babies?" the Hive Queen questioned with a smile on her face, her purple colour eyes were staring straight back at him, as if they could see through all his moves it was clear that when more than one of her metal spider exploded the damage was not in the situation of a 1+1 but the damage multiples with each metal spider golem. The attack that hit him now could almost compare to a sneak attack of (peak) Tier 2 lifeform

" you puppet...."


Iver felt his head ringing as Titan whacked his head with a huge hammer made from ice, making Iver fly away before he quickly shifted his position mid air and landed on his foot

" don't forget about me too, haha ahha" Titan laughed as he rejoined the fight his shield was already discarded as the hammer he was holding melted away and quickly formed a two gauntlet

Every since Titan stepped into the realm of Tier 2 golem he had this feeling of invincibility and has not being able to really learn any thing new, he had tried assimilating the weapons skills of Alec's other golems

Titan has also used this to his advantage and attacked him too when he was focused on the Hive Queen

" arrrgh fuck it, I will just smash you all till you all can't get up again, I want to see how long you can last" Iver finally threw all caution into the wind as he ripped his upper robe open. exposing his rippling muscles

He tied the torn robe around his waist as he lunged at Titan, and Alec could have sworn he saw the emotionless Titan smile

As he sent a punch straight at Iver's claw hands, and like that punch met with palm spreading shock waves every where as the part of Titan was filled with light blue lights, while Iver Dragonmir side was filled with azure colour looking like rainbow dosed in water

Everyone was shocked when they realised that the ice Golem did not seem lacking in power to Iver anymore, but only Alec knew it was actually different as he was still weaker than Iver who was a (peak) Tier 3 battle mage, but he just comprehend a skill to help him deal with Iver overwhelming Dragon strength

[Ding!, Titan has comprehend battle skill, One Hit Precision ]

[ One Hit Precision :] the ability to control the quality or condition of an attack releasing all accumulated power at one point with utmost accurate.

" Again!" Titan's emotionless voice sounded as he and Iver broke free three steps back, this time he was the one who dashed forward as he kept on trading punches with Iver

With the Tactis of exchanging injury for injury, there moves became quite blury as there hands were moving quite fast, but the main expert as Draco Gordon and Bolton blaze could already feel that the golem was actually using Iver to develop his skills

As he was already merging his ice element powers into the one hit precisión, making his two fist glow brightly and every of his punch seem to cause ice shards on iver's body

After exchanging and trading blows for over hundred rounds Iver started noticing that he was getting slower, as the ice shards kept spreading all over his body

Even his hands have started feeling numbs and even his wind elements was not helpful against Titan's ice shrads that's have been spreading all over his body, the scales part of his body was still fine but he was already feeling the drain in his mana and might have to cancel his bloodline skill soon exposing him to Titan's cruel fist which would lead to a defeat

" Stay out of this for now Queen" Titan said to the Hive Queen his voice having a tinge of threat as his Red eyes stared at the hive Queen purple eyes after Iver broke free from the non stop attacking, Titan might not be as fast as him but when in certain range he was able to land some destructive blows and was more bulky than Iver his defence didn't even seem that worse from the defence the dragon scales gave Iver

" you such a fun killer" the Hive Queen pouted as she controlled the ten metal spider to circle around Titan and Iver Dragonmir, who were already in the climate of there battle .