Chapter 120 A General Dragionaic Finally Makes A Move.

Name:The Golem Mage Author:
Chapter 120 A General Dragionaic Finally Makes A Move.

The scale of the battle quickly shifted towards the human mages favour, as the Ouroboros proved themselves to be an opponent worthy to be in the capital city battle ground

The guy from the Blaze Clan that spoke rudely to Zarek Ouroboros when he tried talking to Aurora could only watch the Ouroboros clan slaughter the dragionaic in silence

He had never seen anything like this before, as due to the dragionaic having a tough skin and an almost unbreakable defense in the same realm they grew conceit and thought they were invisible

But a small clan that was just given the chance to Join the capital due to another high clan getting eliminated under the great turbulence of the capital struggles , and then the Ouroboros clan and other clan with the power of a High Tier clan were given a promotion to live in the capital and fill the void that have been opened Fịndd new updates at

And the royals being royals definetly felt another clan should take there place incase of a situation where a Blood Moon attack could gets out of hands

At least they would have enough strong clans to fight before it got to them giving them the chance to always escape chaos and restrain stronger enemies

And that was just what they did with the Ouroboros, and that was why the blaze guy never took them seriously

But seeing them take down so many Tier 7 dragionaic easily in the battlefield, it became common knowledge that the poison innate talent of the Ouroboros was actually a kind of counter for the incredibly strong dragionaic that never dies with ordinary flesh injuries

One of the four Tier 9 dragionaic who was still protecting the Adult black dragon that already had half of it's body out of the space gate frown when he saw that there juniors where on the path of defeat with the way the flow around the battlefield was going

" ahhh what a drag, don't tell me we have to make a move before this battle would be resolved"

" I think I would take this one then, we can't have anything stopping Ragnork arrival, those fucking blood sucker must not defeat us in summoning there monarch first" another dragionaic who had a red blindfold on his eyes said, he had an extremely long tail that moved around his body,

Even without trying and that was how he knew the Ouroboros clan was a new clan in the capital and they caught his attention making him reduce his attack more, as he hoped that one of they would be able to reach the Tier 9 realm and give him a real changllenge, its been long he actually met his match among the human mages and after seeing the clan

Tear down a couple of the smaller Tier dragionaic it ignited his battling intents and that was why he took the job of clearing the human mages.

He looked up in the sky and witness the fight that was still going on between Aurora Blaze and about rest of the ten Tier 8 Dragionaic warriors

Though he was not really looking at there direction but he was moving and facing there direction , using the shock waves there attacks were generating

" I guess it's time I put an end to this too, we can't be losing more powerful members of our race when we have a very low birth rate in the first place"

The blindfolded dragionaic dissappear and suddenly appeared before Aurora

" play time is over it's time to sleep now" the dragionaic said as his 9 tails all went for Aurora from different directions making it hard for her to evade all, she could see that he was trying to knock her out while the other Tier 8 Dragionaic moved away from the battle

Her battle instincts kicked in and she sent a fist straight at the first spiked tail that came her way, but the power behind the tail made her quite shocked,

She had a feeling that she went back to an old memories of hers where her elder brother made her punch mountain, and even though she would bleed on her knuckles he would make he do it over and over again until she finally awaken what he wanted

She was having the same feeling now like she just punched a mountain, the power behind that one tail was tremendous and there was still eight remaining but her hand is already feeling numb , and she had not felt this feeling in a long time, the feeling of helplessness

" come on little girl don't tell me that's all you have to show me, I crave a serious battle" the blindfolded dragionaic said with a smirk.