Chapter 145 Patriach History Part 2

Name:The Golem Mage Author:
145 Patriach History Part 2

" when I was attacked by five different patriarch back then, he appeared out of no where it was the most magical moment I have ever since as I saw him fought against five people in the same realm with him and still held his own without being in a disadvantage "

" Back then he was still a Tier 6 mages and all he used was his wild katana skills and his gemini techniques and I noticed something about his attacks, it always changes from being cold killing intent "

" to being playful strikes making it hard for those facing him to get his attack rhythm as he could change at any seconds , he was what the clan call a battle manaic when he changes to his cold personality, but he becomes a mage genius when he turns back to his playful personality"

" and I later learned that he had double Personality" Draco said

Alec : "..."

" Woah you mean there is a part of my grandfather that I have not met yet, this is seriously shocking" Alec blurted out

" what is more shocking is the fact that he could take on five different Patriarch on his own and still hold his ground" Arthur added in

" am I the only one who noticed that the patriarch and Aileas both have double Personalities? " Agnes asked as she could not just understand what was it with boys that make them stray of the main topic

" Well I was going to mention that before you did " knight said but he quickly shut up and looked at the skies nervously as he saw the type of eyes that Agnes used to look at him

Making him back down from any more lies he was planning on telling before

" Well that is true little lady, both the Patriarch and Aileas both have double Personalities because they were both born on the gemini star period, and for Gordons clan members born in this period they are likely to have double Personalities"

Draco explained and the gang where all shocked at this discovery of the fact that the clan might have others with double Personalities

" But all these claim and believes of theres have been disclaim as mere rumours by the other clans as they felt the need to believe that our clan was a High Tier one was impossible after all they were not ready to agree to being inferior to another clan"

" Because of the difficulty involved in becoming a High Tier clan they forgot about this rumors seeing the patriarch as a joke because of his playful attitude and the clan never got more than a normal rating which is what the Patriarch wants"

" except for a few clans who are on guard against us including the five clans from back them who try there best not to offend us no one really know how scary our patriach is" Draco said with wild passion on his face

" Woah I think my mind has just been blowed away as I have been enlighten about how scary my grandfather is when I thought of him as a normal old man, when he comes back i need to scam... Cough.... I need to take some of his treasured wine as compensation"

Alec said and Arthur smiled in delight as he hugged Alec already dreaming of the wines they were about to extort

" Well I shall be on my way then.. Later " the seventh elder said as he casted a spell and the ground opened up and he enteres it

This small Action of his actually made Alec suprise as he knew that was the basic form of the earth travel, and in the whole Gordons clan only the Patriarch could perform it perfectly since it was his self invented skill after watching the escaping spells of other elements

" I guess the old man is actually teaching that skill to Draco after he rejected us a chance to learn his beloved earth escape, even Aileas golem has a skill similar" Arthur complained and Alec could only smile ruefully

" what do you expect, I even feel that story is not completed as after the trouble that Draco got into he became closer to the patriach and also became the lava king of the Gordons clan, now am thinking he also is an old disciple of my grandfather if not hw did he become an elder that fast "

Alec said and Arthur tapped him on the shoulders

" we should extort more wine then to calm our nerves of all this shock "

Arthur suggested with a sly smile and they both look at each other with wide smile as they could see they both have the same intentions