Chapter 155: Winter Hunt (1)

Name:The Grand Princess Author:Mo Shu Bai
Li Rong was playing with Pei Wenxuan and was a little tired lying on the bed. Li Rong leaned in Pei Wenxuan's arms and only then remembered Shangguanya.

"I persuaded her because I knew her."

Li Rong closed her eyes, her voice calm: "She is still too young, as if she understands everything, but she doesn't know that power can be contested, but affection cannot."

"When I was young, I had a hard-headed mouth, and I retreated when I hit a nail. The reputation is that I don't value feelings, but I actually value too much." Li Rong was a little tired, and his voice was slow. "So I was too afraid to give, too. Afraid of losing, you lose even the courage to fight."

"Su Ronghua and Miss Shangguan are at odds," Pei Wenxuan patted her on the back, thinking, "Miss Shangguan has concerns, it is normal. Unless Su Rongqing turns around, or Miss Su Ronghua fights for the control of the Su family and abolishes Su Rongqing. No matter which one, looking at it now, it's impossible."

Li Rong did not speak, and Pei Wenxuan thought for a while: "If Su Ronghua really likes Miss Shangguan, he will find a way on his own. Don't worry, your Royal Highness, there have been many things lately, your Highness should sleep well."

Li Rong replied, then closed his eyes and went to sleep.

When I got up the next day, I went to the door of Supervisor Si and saw Su Ronghua standing at the door again.

Seeing Li Rong coming, he raised his hand and shouted with a smile, "Your Highness."

It seems to be all right.

Li Rong hesitated for a moment, nodded, and walked in.

In the next few days, Su Ronghua came to supervise the guarding at the gate of Simen every day, while Shangguanya took Lin Feibai into and out of the big noble circles. As long as Shangguan Ya is not working in the Supervision Department, she will bring Lin Feibai with her, and the poem will talk about it, and everyone will know how many times she goes in and out.

But it’s hard to talk about this kind of thing, and it’s even harder to talk to Su Ronghua. So Su Ronghua still stands at the gate of the inspector every day, and many of the nobles have begun to talk secretly about whether the eldest lady of Shangguanjia is in the same position. Xie Feibai, the illegitimate son of the Xie family.

If you marry Xie Feibai with the status of Guanya above, you will obviously use your status to carry the sedan chair to Xie Feibai.

Xie Feibai has 20,000 horses in the southwest, but his identity is indeed not on the table. If Shangguanya marries him with Shangguan clan behind him, then Xie Feibai will not be the same in Xie's house.

It's just that why Shangguanya used a marriage to do this sedan chair, everyone can't understand.

After all, in her capacity, the princess did everything, except for the two sons of the Su clan, there is hardly anyone in Huajing who can match. Marrying Xie is already condescending, let alone an illegitimate child?

Everyone thought about it and thought it was Shangguan Yaxin Xu Xie Feibai.

Apart from love, there is no reason to get such an absurd marriage.

In a blink of an eye, we arrived at Winter Hunting. The night before Winter Hunting, Li Rong got the entire Winter Hunting process.

At this time, the sky was completely cold, and a charcoal fire was lit in the room. Shangguanya, Lin Feibai, Pei Wenxuan, Li Chuan and others gathered together to watch Li Rong take over the whole plan and arrangement of Dongshou from Zhao Chongjiu.

"Tomorrow's winter hunting will be divided into three stages. Chuaner greets the Sixth Army and Xu Yijia rewards." Li Rong turned his head and looked at Li Chuan.

Li Chuan nodded: "The Ministry of Rites notified me, I already know."

"Then the Sixth Army will send a hundred people each to set up seven flags in the mountains and forests, one flag for each army, and a large flag in the depths of the forest. The six parties lie in wait for each other to capture the forest flag in accordance with the rules. The time limit is two. In one hour, the number of flags obtained at unitary hour is calculated, and the one with the more number wins." Li Rong looked at the page and walked back to the table.

With a map spread on the table, she sat down and put the whole process on the table.

"After counting the winners, it should be the father who is supposed to reward the winner, but this year the father wants to give Li Cheng a face," Li Rong laughed as he said, "It was replaced by Li Cheng."

"The winner will receive the reward at this position," Li Rong raised his hand and tapped on a high platform on the map. "This high platform will completely expose Li Cheng. We will set up archers at these three points." Rong said, looking at Pei Wenxuan, "Set up two more killers near Li Cheng to ensure nothing is lost."

"What about Xie Chunhe?"

Shangguanya frowned, and Pei Wenxuan said with a smile: "This is a trivial matter. Recently, I have put the slow-moving poison in Xie Chunhe's home in the outer room. When that day, there will be a small servant who will introduce the medicine into the tea. Among them, as long as Xie Chunhe drinks tea, it will take less than a quarter of an hour from the poison to die."

"Are you poisoning?" Lin Feibai was a little surprised, "These aristocratic families have extremely strict control over poisoning. How did you do it?"

The matter of poisoning, not to mention it is very difficult to buy people. Even if people are willing to buy poison, the food that these nobles eat will have to be tested layer by layer before they reach them. If it is really toxic, it has already been exposed when it is being checked.

Therefore, it is clear that poisoning is the easiest to kill, but each family still has to work hard to plan the assassination.

"Master Lin has ever heard of it," Pei Wenxuan smiled and poured white tea to Lin Fei, with a steady voice, "There is a kind of poison called Xiangmeiren."

Li Rong looked up at Pei Wenxuan.

Xiangmei’s poison was not known until Su Ronghua brought it into the palace to poison Qin Zhenzhen.

"There are eleven changes in this poison, all of which are made with ordinary spices and put into common incense. After years of contact, it will slowly accumulate into the bones. Tuberculosis is the symptom, and it will die within three years. After exposure for a period of time, supplemented with medicinal drugs, the poison will immediately develop. The most difficult thing to prevent from this poison is that every kind of material is very common and non-toxic. Including medicinal drugs, they are also very common ingredients. It is difficult to prevent, after the incident, even if it is investigated, it is difficult to find where the poison came from."

If it weren't for Li Chuan to search for strangers in the world, Qin Zhenzhen's death would only be treated as an emergency.

After Qin Zhenzhen's death, the poison of Xiangmei was accepted by the royal family. There were no more than three people who knew the prescription of this poison.

Su Rongqing, who had been in contact with Su Ronghua, Pei Wenxuan, the person who handled the case, and Li Chuan, who brought the pharmacist into the palace to practice immortality with him.

Now reborn, as long as Su Rongqing does not interfere too much, Xiangmei is almost unsolvable.

"What if the poisoning is unsuccessful?"

Li Rong turned to look at Pei Wenxuan, who caught Li Rong's gaze and knew her concerns.

Pei Wenxuan smiled: "His Royal Highness has something to do, and there must be someone who has conspired to be present. By then, there will be a big chaos in the school, and how many people will die. Isn't it normal?" Then, Pei Wenxuan looked at Lin Feibai, "Young Master Lin said Should be more proficient than me."

Lin Fei was born as a killer in vain, and it couldn't be easier to kill individuals while quietly taking advantage of the chaos.

"However, in order to be foolproof," Pei Wenxuan laughed, "Tomorrow's school is still more lively, the better, it is easier for everyone to focus on what to do."

"I told my aunt about this."

Shangguanya spoke suddenly, and everyone looked over, with some doubts in their eyes.

"Tomorrow, in the Sixth Army game, my aunt will persuade your Majesty to add a polo match temporarily, and promise that the winner will get a reward. Then, if you are worried about Su Rongqing's actions at the meeting, let Lin Feibai choose him to play. "Shangguanya looked at Pei Wenxuan, "you just shot."

"it is good."

Pei Wenxuan applauded: "That's it."

"At that time, if I can win," Lin Feibai looked calm, "I will beg to marry Miss Shangguan. Once Xie Chunhe died, before the funeral, Miss Shangguan helped me take the Xie's house."

"What if you can't win?" Shangguanya smiled, Pei Wenxuan was also a little curious, Lin Feibai squinted at Shangguanya, "I will foul and beat him."

"Okay!" Hearing this, Pei Wenxuan was very happy, "Brother Feibai, if you really hit him, I will give you a sword..."

"Cough cough." Li Rong gave a light cough, Pei Wenxuan's smile froze, and then calmly put away the uncontrollable joy, and said peacefully, "Everything is left to Master Lin."

"It's easy to say." Lin Fei nodded, "In the future, Master Pei will speak more nicely in front of the hall, and pay more for the army."

When several people were discussing the itinerary of tomorrow at Li Rong’s house, Hua Le put on a cloak, walked through the narrow corridor in the night, and stopped at the end, facing a woman in the cell with a prisoner's clothing, looking a little tired, low. Called: "Mother concubine."

Concubine Rou raised her head and watched Hua Le lift her hat on her head, revealing a resolute expression: "Everything is ready, I will save you when I kill Li Chuan tomorrow."

"Good boy." Concubine Rou's eyes showed affectionate eyes. She stood up, walked to the door, stretched out her hand, and held Hua Le's cold hand, "You have suffered."

Hua Le shook his head: "The most important thing to keep Cheng'er is, this is nothing."

"How did you arrange it?"

"Shi Lang Su helped me," Hua Le said, showing a bit of shyness on her face. Roufei's movements became stiff, so she listened to Hua Le softly said, "Daughter took your token, but she didn't have a clue. Su Rongqing found me and said that he could help me. The assassination of Li Chuan tomorrow was arranged, that is..."

Hua Le frowned.

"What is it?" Concubine Rou was worried, and Hua Le showed dissatisfaction in her eyes. "He didn't let me move Li Rong, saying that Li Rong had other uses. Once Li Chuan died, what could Li Rong do? I think he was fainted. Turn your head, and see Li Rong's face, right?"

Hua Le said, feeling a little uncomfortable, and then added: "But a person like Su Shilang is not a face-seeker, and I don't know what Li Rong is for..."

Concubine Rou looked at Hua Le for a while and cursed for a while and wanted to say something nice for Su Rongqing. She smiled and raised her hand to brush Hua Le's hair: "No matter what he wants to do, it's yours, can you just do it?"

Hua Le raised her head in surprise, and Concubine Roux looked at her and whispered: "Silly boy, don't listen to men in everything. These men, they say something, you don't know who they are thinking. You want to kill Li Chuan , The best way is not to directly assassinate him."

"That is?"

"Tomorrow’s school grounds, everyone will protect Li Chuan, because everyone knows that Li Chuan is a target, so everyone will care about Li Chuan. And Li Rong is a female family member, and she must get away as soon as possible. At that time, you will have all the elite Transferred to Li Rong and forced her to enter the woods. Let someone speak to Li Chuan. He didn't save his sister and killed Li Rong."

"Will Li Chuan save it? He is not a fool." Hua Le was a little weird.

Consort Rou smiled: "He will go." Concubine Rou had a little pity in her eyes, "Dying at an age that knows nothing about suffering is also a blessing for him."

"Okay." Hua Le nodded, and she frowned, "It's just that I'm afraid there are not so many people..."

"Just do it." Rou Fei's voice was gentle, "Someone will help you."

"Someone?" Hua Le looked at Concubine Rou in confusion, "Who?"

Concubine Rou turned to the direction of the palace with a smile. There were lights hung on the highest North Yan Pagoda in the palace, and the lights flickered gently in the distance, reflecting the stars in the sky.

Hua Le followed, and Concubine Rou saw quietly for a while, then turned to look at Hua Le: "Go, don't delay."

Hua Le nodded, no doubt there was her, raised his hand to put on his hat, and said softly: "Then I'm going, mother concubine, take care of yourself."

With that, she turned around and walked into the long corridor that was like the mouth of a giant snake.

Concubine Rou saw her daughter disappear into the darkness little by little. After a long time, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

She knew she would succeed.

Someone will help her, there will be countless people who want Li Chuan to die in the dark, helping her with everything.

They don't need Huale to do anything. What they need is that Huale will bear everything after Li Chuan's death.

It's just that people always have choices. She chooses power, and then she is destined to abandon something on this road.

The stars in the sky of Huajing flickered behind the clouds, and the northwest border was a good day with sparse moon and stars.

Qin Lin led Cui Qinghe on the cliff, looking at the direction of Xiao Su's garrison in the distance.

The wind blew the clothes of the two of them, and Cui Qinghe looked at the lights in the distance and whispered softly: "The soldier just announced that Xiao Su had lighted the soldiers and set off in the direction of Huajing tonight."

"how many people?"

Qin Lin did not look back, his expression calm.

"Thirty thousand, leaving twenty thousand in the northwest."

"Thirty thousand."

Qin Lin spoke slowly, Cui Qinghe looked down at the green grass on the ground: "Are you really planning to intercept Xiao Su as His Highness Pingle said?"

"Otherwise?" Qin Lin turned his head to look at Cui Qinghe and chuckled, "Do you think there is no price for His Highness Pingle to help us so much?"

"But what Xiao Su took was your majesty's will."

Cui Qinghe frowned: "When the time comes, you will rebel."

"So what?"

Cui Qinghe looked calm, he watched Qin Lin quietly: "A Lin, I am worried about you."

"Worry about me, just help me target the 20,000 people in the northwest."

Qin Lin turned his head and looked into the distance: "His Royal Highness saves me Qin, I can't let her down."

Cui Qinghe didn't speak, he stepped forward and stood behind Qin Lin.

"Furthermore, with the talents of His Royal Highness and Pei Wenxuan, I believe them. Qinghe, don't worry, if something really happens, you will go directly out of Daxia from the northwest and go to the west."

"Sorry," Cui Qinghe's voice was very low. Qin Lin noticed the abnormality, but before he could turn his head, a sharp blade suddenly penetrated his body. Cui Qinghe's hands trembled slightly, and his eyes were red, staring at him. I don't want to go."

As soon as the voice fell, Qin Lin drew his knife and swung straight away, Cui Qinghe retreated several feet, dozens of people jumped out of the dense forest, and rushed towards Qin Lin!

Two guards guarded Cui Qinghe. Cui Qinghe stared at Qin Lin, who was fighting and retreating with more than a dozen killers. Qin Linlang glanced at him like a wolf, clutching his wounds and rushing into the dense forest.

"Master Cui," the guard guarding Cui Qinghe respectfully said, "what should I do next?"

"Back to camp."

Cui Qinghe raised his hand and wiped the blood stains on his face, looked at the direction Qin Lin was fleeing, turned around with the sword in his hand, and said calmly: "Clean the door."

After speaking, Cui Qinghe took someone down the mountain with a sword.

Before long, Xun Chuan, who was writing a letter to Li Rong in the room, heard a scream.

"My lord!" A guard hurried forward with a sword. "General Qin was assassinated on the cliff and fell off the cliff. Master Cui said that there was an insider who killed the general and sealed the barracks. He is coming towards us now. Let's go!"

With Xun Chuan's words, his hands trembled, and he only had time to write the sentence "Qin Lin was assassinated", and he heard footsteps outside.

Xun Chuan folded the letter and hurriedly handed it to the guards, and said in a low voice: "Hurry up and send the letter to His Highness in a hurry."

After speaking, Xun Chuan took the sword from the side and led the people to rush out.

As soon as she rushed out of the camp, she saw Cui Qinghe leading the people standing in front of the camp. Cui Qinghe looked calm and said coldly: "Master Xun, the general was assassinated. The officer was ordered to supervise the army and arrest all the suspects. Please also Mr. Xun to cooperate and unload. Jia abandoned his sword and went to the barracks."

Xun Chuan did not speak, she quietly watched Cui Qinghe: "Brother Cui, who am I, don't you know?"

Cui Qinghe's expression moved slightly, but he just raised his hand.

The soldier got the order and immediately slashed towards Xun Chuan. Xun Chuan's complexion changed slightly, and he only said, "You betrayed the big brother."


Cui Qinghe's tone is calm: "I want to return to the Cui family, you can't help me, only one person can."

While talking, Xun Chuan kicked off the person who was leaping forward with a sword, three steps in two steps, bending down and lifting the sword to cut off the reins that tied the horse, the horse screamed and galloped out, she stepped on the flagpole with her foot The force struggling to pounce on the horse, and then galloped away while everyone exclaimed.

Cui Qinghe didn't expect Xun Chuan to rush out. He suddenly changed his expression and shouted: "Chasing! Chase her back to me!"

Xun Chuan didn't look back when she heard the sound. She looked towards the bright moon in the direction of Huajing, and rushed towards the dense forest in the distance.

She must get her brother back.

Huajing is still waiting for Qin Lin.

His Royal Highness is still waiting for Qin Lin!