Chapter 18 - 18- One Down

Chapter 18: Chapter 18- One Down

"Yeah I know" Yang Chen nodded, he understood that the Greedvil system was not a messiah system that would offer him points for the good he did, it only awarded him points for the evils he committed.

After discussing this aspect of the system, Yang Chen shifted his gaze back towards that crag where a fierce fight was currently taking place.

Although the Ivory Hog was comparable to an eight star Battle Apprentice, it was outnumbered 5v1. Additionally, the leader of this band was also an Eight Star Battle Apprentice.

It wouldn't be easy for the Ivory Hog alone to kill them all.

"Haaaa!!!..." Li Hao gave a loud battle roar and slammed his axe onto to the demonic beast.

The weapon collided with its tusks and after an intense collision, Li Hao was forced a few meters back. The blood inside his body churned and a streak of blood leaked out of his mouth.

'This is bad, we are all tired after an entire day of hunting. Those four won't be able to keep the beast surrounded much longer, I must finish it before the situation turns around' Li Hao thought internally.

He glanced at the other four and they all nodded in understanding at the same time.

Li Hao jumped back and opened more distance between himself and the demonic beast while the rest of his party engaged in a fierce battle with the demonic beast to stall for time.

Li Hao swiftly started making some seals and the energy inside him started becoming stronger and more violent. A powerful aura that emitted out of him, swept through the campsite.

This change instantly caught the attention of the Ivory Hog. Even if ut wasn't very intelligent, it was a demonic beast nonetheless. It instinctively felt the danger, broke out of the encirclement and charged towards the bearded man.

Li Hao was unfazed facing the charge of the Ivory Hog, he lifted his battle axe high up and all that accumulated energy inside his body rushed towards his axe.

'[Six Slash Battle Fury]' Li Hao voiced in his heart and used his one and only Battle Skill with all his might.

"Haha... I naturally came here to collect my mischief points" Yang Chen replied with a serious face, he drew out the long sword he purchased from the sword and pointed at them.

Naturally, everybody's face became grim when they saw the action of the brat. They did not understand what mischief points nonsense he was talking about, but it didn't take a genius to understand his motive when a sword was pointed at them.

Li Hao's face was cold, he understood that the situation definitely didn't look good for them. They have just finished a big battle and were tired from the exhaustion accumulated over the day.

Even if the brat was weaker than him, he wouldn't be able to win. Nonetheless, Li Hao and the others were experienced hunters, they were trying to intimidate the other party with their numbers.

"Brat I want to see how you leave this place alive. You dare to lure that demonic beast towards us?" saying that, he looked at his four companions and together they stepped forward hoping that this would be enough to scare the boy into running away.

"Haha, trying to show a brave front huh?" However, what they didn't expect was that Yang Chen would instead laugh at their pitiful attempt to scare him away.

The latter didn't waste time, quickly activated his Burst step skill that has reached the advanced completion stage and appeared behind one of the hunters. The latter did not even perceive Yang Chen when a blade pierced through his neck and came out of the other end.



Blood flowed out, the light on the hunter's eyes swiftly disappeared and his body lifelessly fell to the ground. With this, one of the hunters was down.

Everybody who saw this scene was stunned, fear suddenly grasped their body. They couldn't even see when Yang Chen had disappeared and appeared behind their companion. All of them opened a distance from the young boy in rag tag clothing in panic.

"Committing murder is a heinous crime in this forest. Don't think that others won't hunt you down for doing something like this"

Li Hao threatened with a pale white face as he saw the lifeless body of his companion.