Chapter 34 - 34- Powder of Hysteria (2)

Chapter 34: Chapter 34- Powder of Hysteria (2)

Although he can do without these items, however, now that he had gotten the taste of how useful these items were for his growth, he couldn't just stop using them as that would slow down his progress. ViiSiit novelbi/n(.)c/(o)m for latest novels

One thing that Yang Chen learned from the memories of the previous owner of this body, was that he needed strength to survive in this world. Hence these items were necessary investments.

"Hmm, I need to find a way to earn more mischief points," Yang Chen thought internally.

Killing others for points provided very little and he was a little afraid that if he walked on that path, he would become a psychopath who can't live without drawing blood every day.

That being said, his actions needed to have a certain level of evil/mischief for the system to recognise them and allocate points.

Well if it really came to the point where he had no other option to earn points, Yang Chen was ready to walk the Shura's path.

Amon who was aware of Yang Chen's thoughts, came up with a proposal.

"Although those twisted thoughts of yours very much please me, let's keep killing as the last resort for now since it's too boring and partly because if you kill too many people, you will inevitably draw attention from a strong person on yourself".

"Until you reach a level where you can do as you please, I think that killing mindlessly is a bad option".

Yang Chen understood what Amon was trying to convey. If he killed people to grind points, he would attract the attention of justice seeking people. It would be too bothersome if they tracked him everywhere he went.

"If only I had stealth skills, like in those games, it would have been an easy task. Also, let's say, I do somehow manage to infiltrate their camps and spread the powder all around. However, when the effect of the item fades away, wouldn't those hunters who saw me be furious at me? I cannot say it is a good plan"

Yang Chen pointed out the flaws of this plan. When it came to the game like elements, he was much more cunning. It was obvious after all, sitting in that room all he could do was play the numerous games to pass his time.

"Hmm, you are right. Let's not do this, the plan will only make more enemies for you and work against us"

Even Amon who suggested the plan changed his mind. He was just about to drop the issue and tell that they can always find some other method to earn mischief points when suddenly Yang Chen started to laugh.

"Why are you laughing?" the demon asked.

"You can read my thoughts correct? Why don't you try to read my mind and guess why I am laughing?" the smile on Yang Chen's face deepened.

Amon looked at him with sceptical eyes before focusing to read his thoughts. That was when the look in its eyes changed and it widened in shock.

"You!... Kukuku, that is an amazing plan. I'm surprised that you came up with it".

The two people, one human and one tiny demon grinned, their smiles extremely alike.

"Hehe, who do you think I am? Although I may be inexperienced when it comes to survival, I am not inferior to anyone when it comes to elements like this. I may not look like it, but all the games that I played, I have completed all the quests even the most difficult ones and levelled all of my avatars to their highest levels" Yang Chen declared proudly.

"Kukuku... I don't know if it is something to brag about, but it seems like I was too hasty to judge the host. This plan of yours is very good; however, you must remember one thing, the effects of this powder of hysteria is not omnipotent. Higher levelled being would easily be able to shake off its effect".