Chapter 36 - 36- Amassing Mischief Points (2)

Chapter 36: Chapter 36- Amassing Mischief Points (2)

It needs to be mentioned that Zhang Wei was the third son of the patriarch of the Zhang clan. From birth, he was able to enjoy resources and fortunes that no ordinary practitioner would even dream about.

He not only had all the resources but was also given many battle skills to practice. At the mere age of seventeen not only did he reach the level of Nine Star Battle Apprentice, he was also rumoured to be the star participant for this year's outer academy entrance test from their Zhang clan.

Although he couldn't be compared to his two elder brothers, he was nonetheless, still a genius compared to other young members of the Zhang clan. It was absurd to think that the person who killed him was just a lowly servant of their clan with no cultivation talent.

"It looks like this brat has hidden his power quite deeply. To think that he would be able to hide it even from our eyes..."

Zhang Zhang muttered, a murderous aura released from his body as he clenched his hands. No matter what, he must find the killer of his son and young master to make up for his grave mistake.

Seeing that the elder of this Zhang clan was releasing such deep killing intent towards this brat, Li Hao immediately tried to bootlick and gain some benefits.

"Honourable Elder... if you want I can help you trace down this brat".

"Oh! You can?" his words caused Zhang Zhan to look at him with a different light.

"Yes, leave it to me, elder. I am a veteran hunter in this jungle and know this place like the back of my hand. Tracing an inexperienced brat who is not even a hunter, wouldn't pose a problem for me at all" Li Hao patted his chest and said grandly. Right afterwards he added—

"It's just that... the brat took everything away from him. I lost my team and all possessions as you can see..."

"Hmph, Zhang Bu give him ten silver profound stones once he completes his task" Zhang Zhan spoke glancing towards a subordinate.

"I understand elder" That subordinate nodded his head, understanding the hidden meaning behind that glance.

Hearing that he would be rewarded ten silver profound stones, Li Hao was elated with joy. 'Just what I would expect from a clan like the Zhang Clan' he thought internally.

Before anyone could ponder as to what was going on, the jungle started trembling. Trees shook wildly and birds ran away from their nests.

"What is going on?" a member of the Zhang clan whose strength was around a Seven Star Battle Apprentice, asked.

Li Hao who was a seasoned hunter in this forest locked his brows in consternation. This kind of occurrence was very unusual. He observed for the various signs shown by the jungle before a pale expression covered his face.

"D-D-Demonic Beasts... its the Demon Beasts Stampede" voice quivering, Li Hao shouted at the top of his lungs to alert everyone.

Just as his shout rang out, the trebling of the ground intensified and the sounds of trees being uprooted came from the depths of the forest.

Whoosh... whoosh... several shadows pounced out from the bushes and appeared in front of Zhang Zhan and the others. The instant the two parties encountered each other a battle was unavoidable.

"Dammit... I haven't even moved yet so why are the demonic beasts attacking us first"

Zhang Zhan cursed his luck, he waved his hand and several palm handprints appeared around him.

"Great Palm Force"

Each of these palm handprints packed enough battle energy to blast even an Eight Star Battle Apprentice to smithereens. Forget about these crimson jackals who were only around Six Star.

"Elder's battle skill is as strong as ever, no it has improved even further. With that ability, it wouldn't be long before elder zhang zhan moves to the position of the fifth elder" Zhang Bu fawned.

"Hmph... you there, why are sitting there gawking like an idiot. Hurry up and lead us..."

Zhang Zhan pointed at the pale faced Li Hao, he was just about to ask the latter to guide them through the forest when more demonic beasts pounced out of the bushes.