Chapter 44 - 44- Clash (2)

Chapter 44: Chapter 44- Clash (2)

"To think that nobody would be able to find your true strength, it was a huge blunder on our part to have sent young master Zhang Wei after you without ascertaining your strength first".

It seemed like Zhang Zhan was misunderstanding something, he thought that Yang Chen was as strong as he was now from the start and was hiding his strength while laying low in the Zhang manor all along.

"I will correct my mistake today by capturing you myself. Others might be unable to see through your strength, but not me. I will capture you myself, break your cultivation and throw you at patriarch's feet. He will decide on your fate".

Zhang Zhan spoke decisively, he was just about to make his move, when Zhang Bu cupped his hands and stepped in between.

"A moment please elder, there is no need for you to take action personally. Allow me Zhang Bu to capture this slave for you".

Zhang Zhan mused in his head before nodding his head. Although earlier he said that he had seen through Yang Chen's strength, the other party was hiding their strength.

He could only ascertain that the other party was at least as strong as an Eight Star Battle Apprentice based on how they were able to avoid Zhang Bu's sneak attack.

"Alright, he is all yours. Make sure to teach him a good lesson"...

"Leave it me Elder Zhang Zhan" Zhang Bu smiled, cracked his knuckles and pointed towards Yang Chen "Hehe... I must thank you, Yang Chen... because of you I can earn some merits to show my superiors. Do not hold it against me, if you want to blame something, blame your fate".

BANG... just as Zhang Bu's words fell, the ground around him cracked and he appeared in front of Yang Chen in an instant. A simple punch without any skill or technique behind and only packed with pure strength was thrown at Yang Chen.

The latter stood motionless as if he couldn't even perceive the attack coming. The fist smashed against Yang Chen's head causing a smile to appear on Zhang Bus's face but the next second, that smile quickly disappeared when he felt no resistance against his fist.

The difference in their strength was largely due to their foundation and energy. Zhang Bu had a much more solid foundation than someone who had taken medicines and other treasures to increase their strength and his aura was also much more stable.

Then there was also the difference between their battle experience. Compared to Zhang Bu who had completed many bloody missions for the clan, Zhang Wei was a spoiled third soon who spend his days fooling around.

Given the fact that he was easily able to dominate his fight against Yang Chen, it was only just natural for Zhang Zhan to believe so. But that misconception of his was soon cleared away and replaced by a shock when he saw how calm and collected Yang Chen was even after dodging dozens of attacks from Zhang Bu.

The latter on the other hand looked out of breath and discomposed after failing to even land a single blow on his opponent.

"Ahh that movement skill is so annoying. Let's see if you can dodge this... [Lion's Fury Attack]".

Zhang Bu activated one of the top battle skills of the Zhang clan, the [Lion's Fury Attack] which was an Earth Grade Mid Tier battle skill.

Battle energy gathered around Zhang Bu's finger and quickly formed pale yellowish claws. ROARR... after that he roared like a wild animal and pounced towards Yang Chen with a ferocity similar to one.

His power and speed, were all on a different level. Though even then, he was still unable to even scratch Yang Chen's clothes, forget about dealing a blow.

Zhang Zhan's eyes which previously were assured of Zhang Bu's victory before gradually started to become gloomy over the time.

The more Yang Chen kept dodging Zhang bu's attack, the more he realised that the former was playing with the latter. Plus those wild movements...

"To be even able to keep up with Zhang Bu when he is using that skill, that movement skill of that brat... it can't be a sky grade!!?!" Zhang Zhan exclaimed in shock.