Chapter 46 - 46- Yang Chen Vs Zhang Zhan

Chapter 46: Chapter 46- Yang Chen Vs Zhang Zhan

"Nine Star Battle Apprentice" Zhang Zhan slowly and calmly recited a few words.

To an onlooker, he looked like the very definition of calm; however, the members of the Zhang clan felt their blood run cold the moment they heard his voice. From that cold, devoid tone of speaking, they could tell that Zhang Zhan was so angry that he couldn't be any more furious.

On the other hand, Yang Chen narrowed his eyes. This middle aged elder was able to accurately perceive his level even though Amon was helping him hide his strenght using the system.

"It was because you released your strength for an instant when killing that guy. It might be only for an instant but for a Battle Master class practitioner like him, it was enough time to see through the density of your energy and perceive your level" Amon explained reading his thoughts.

"This opponent is unlike any other you have faced up until now, you cannot make a single mistake. If you think that you cannot defeat him, run immediately" he added.

When it came to serious moments, even Amon with his spiteful nature, never joked.

Yang Chen took a deep breath to calm his nerves which had been stretched taut due to the tension engulfing his body. However, he did not turn around and run. Instead, he stood his ground and kept the enemy in vision.

Facing that Elder, Yang Chen felt like he was in front of the presence of a powerful beast that could kill him instantly given an opening. He would be dealt a fatal blow the moment he showed his back as such turning around to run was a foolish idea.

His survival instinct that he had honed after living inside the jungle for a month, kicked in as Yang Chen furiously utilised his battle energy. There was no opening in his guard and his eyes were always on his opponent.

Seeing Yang Chen become serious, Zhang Zhan released a snort. He waved his sleeves and immediately, five pale yellow hand prints appeared in the air and rushed towards Yang Chen.

Yang Chen dodged the attacks madly; however, the question was how long can he keep it up for. The rate at which a battle master can naturally recover the battle energy, was far faster than a battle apprentice and even the capacity that they could hold inside their body was far greater.

On the other hand, a battle apprentice like Yang Chen didn't have much reserve in the first place. Plus a skill like the [Wild Revolution Steps] which was a low tier sky grade, consumed quite a lot of energy.

Even if Yang Chen was under the effects of the energy gathering pill, he couldn't keep up with this rate of consumption. Sooner or later, he was bound to run out of battle energy and also out of luck.

His enemy seemed to be targeting that weakness of his by pushing him towards that edge and making him constantly use his movment skill.

So what should he do get out of this predicament? He cannot let this elder from the Zhang clan to dictate the tempo of the battle for long.

'If you ever find yourself in a situation where you need to use the Nine Brilliant Mysterious change, try to settle the fight before the duration of the secret art ends. Your body is still very weak, it cannot endure the strain of such a powerful skill. Great power always comes at a cost...'

Yang Chen suddenly recalled the words that Amon told him a few days ago. There was only one choice, as he witnessed the hand prints inch closer to him, he made up his mind.

Hm? Zhang Zhan made a slightly startled noise when he saw Yang Chen halt in his place. The brat who was running from his attack at every turn, had finally stopped. '

Did he run out of energy? Not surprising, he had already used the skill quite a few times. It's amazing that he could dodge my attacks for so long, the amount of energy this brat holds inside his body is not small' Zhang Zhan thought internally.

He believed that this farce was over when suddenly his eyes went wide. Six sword slashes that appeared simultaneously at the same time, collided against the five hand prints of his and disintegrated each other with a loud bang.