Chapter 60- The Mysterious Ring

60 Chapter 60- The Mysterious Ring

When he was checking his [Character] window after waking up inside the cave, Yang Chen noticed the existence of this ability under the constitution. And based on what little he read about the Extreme Evil Nihility Body, he immediately understood the usage of this ability.

There were a few more abilities listed under the Constitution. However, all of them were hidden by ■■ looking boxes. Yang Chen guessed that they looked like this because he was unaware of them or was too low levelled to unlock these abilities.

"It is quite powerful" Seeing the damage done, Yang Chen couldn't help but mumble. It needs to be stated that the power of the ability depended on the strength of the user. The greater their strength, the more powerful the ability.

Even at its lowest strength, it was easily able to kill a battle master class beast. Based on that, it wasn't hard to assume the infinite growing potential of the ability.

The ability might seem terrifying at first glance, but just like all things, it too had its limitations. According to what yang chen remembered, the damage done by the [Wave of Annihilation] is based on the power of a soul.

So if the target soul is more powerful than the user, it would do limited damage or hardly any at all. The soul of the black barguest was extremely weak, which is why it died in an instant.

Other than that, the ability was also limited by the number of uses. That is to say, it can only be used once a day.

Now that Yang Chen had already used it, he cannot use it again. So if he met another demonic beast on the level of the Black Barghest, his only ending would be a miserable death.

That is why, he decided to return back to the cave and wait for the ability to reset back. Thinking so, Yang Chen just turned around to leave when...


A grumbling sound echoed out. Of course, it was not the growl of any demonic beast, but the sound of his stomach rumbling.



Inside the dark interior of the cave, a small bonfire was lit up. The grilling sound of meat and the smell wafting from it filled the place with its aroma.

Yang Chen brought the meat to his mouth and chewed it. He was once again reminded of how bland his diet was. He had no spices nor any ingredients to use along with the meat making it taste insipid.

"I must get out of this forest and acquire some spices" One of the items on his list to living a fulfilling life, was to eat delicious food.

Back in those hospital days, all Yang Chen ate day and night was bland meals, watching the same scene and roof at every point of his life.

In this life however, he wanted to experience all kinds of things, eat all kinds of dishes and travel all kinds of places. He wanted to make up for everything that he missed in his previous life.

Munch...Munch... Yang Chen made his resolution while munching on the bland meat of the Black Barghest.

"Still, it has been a while, why hasn't this guy shown his face yet?" He wondered.

As spiteful as the little demon was, he had nevertheless ended up becoming his conversation partner in this boring life inside the forest. Yang Chen would often talk to him when there was nothing else to do to pass the time.

Amon often made fun of him and enjoyed seeing him suffer; however, in the end the guy never meant him real harm. He was starting to hit it off with him, so where did the guy disappear to?
