Chapter 65- Heading Out of the Jungle

65 Chapter 65- Heading Out of the Jungle

Perhaps once he grows stronger and learns about the other abilities of the Extreme Evil Nihility Body, the gap in levels that he would be able to cover in the future might be even higher. Just thinking about it, filled Yang Chen with excitement.

"Hehe, let's go and hunt some more demonic beasts" muttering to himself, he dived inside the jungle.

During the night, the Demonic Beasts became even more ferocious, it was something that all the hunters here knew. Even the outer region becomes treacherous at night, much less needs to be mentioned about the innermost region which was frolicking with powerful and more scarier demonic beasts.

However, that was before the advent of Yang Chen, starting from this night, these demonic beasts were going to experience what it means to be on the side of the prey as the predator repeatedly hunted and tracked them.

The distinct miserable wails of the demonic beats would be heard by the hunters from far away who would later spread this incident and coin it as the Night of the Wailing Demonic Beasts.

Of course, Yang Chen who was the source of this disturbance, was unaware of this fact as he casually hunted demonic beasts in the night.

Many unfortunate demonic beasts who showed themselves under the radar of his [Map], perished under his hands. This fruitful slaughter continued for a while and after two days, Yang Chen found his progress stagnating.

No matter how many Black Barghest or the Purple Demonic Leopard he hunted, his experience bar didn't go up by much.

The previous owner of this body was a slave who was bought by the Zhang clan at a very young age. He had spent his whole life within the city and was completely clueless about his surroundings.

He didn't even know which province or country he was in, who was the powerhouse around here and things like that. The only reason why the previous owner of this body knew about the star fall jungle, was from the mouths of the vendors and the other people whenever he went to run errands for the clan. As a result, Yang Chen who had inherited this body and memories was unaware of the world he was reincarnated in. But he was not like the latter, Yang Chen wanted to live his life to the fullest and experience everything the world has to offer. As such, it was necessary for him to be aware of his surroundings.

Plus, it has been a long time since he entered the forest, he was starting to get bored. His current way of living was not bad, he was levelling up and making decent progress in all of his battle skills but it couldn't be denied that this way of living was more like that of a hermit, secluded from all the worldly pleasures.

Sooner or later, Yang Chen was sure to get bored of it. It is because of all of this reason that he wanted to visit the city. Also, it would be a lie to omit that a part of his reasoning and decision was influenced by his stomach which craved for some delicious food.

"As I thought, I have no choice but to go to the city. Though there is something that I must address first, I am severely lacking in... money"

Yang Chen locked his brows in consternation. he had arrived in front of a monumental problem. He had no money.

The money that he was referring to was not the mischief points of the Greedvil System, but actual physical denomination that the people of this world used as currency.

From the memories of the previous owner of this body, the currency that was used here seemed to be called the profound stones. Your support means a lot!! Please use your power stones to vote for the novel..
