Chapter 68- Arriving at Cloud City Once Again

68 Chapter 68- Arriving at Cloud City Once Again

This could only be possible if this young man was very strong or had some mysterious backer behind him who was protecting him from the shadows.

Qing Mu had heard of many cases where the children of some big clans run out of their clan to explore the outside world while being secretly protected by elders of their clan.

He thought that this was the case too this time. Although he was a little surprised when he heard the other party correctly recognise the beast.

"I see, you said that you guys were on your way to bring the corpse out of the jungle? May I know what are you going to do with it?"

Yang Chen knew what the other party was planning; however, he cannot just outright ask them where and to whom they are planning to sell the carcass in the city. Because doing so, would reveal that he has been spying on them.

He had to lead the conversation to the main question that he wanted to ask. Fortunately for him, the misunderstanding of this hunter worked out in his favour.

"Haha, this young master might not be aware of it, but the corpses of the demonic beasts can be sold for money. We hunters hunt the demonic and bring its corpse back to exchange it for money".

Qing Mu explained his eyes darting around trying to spot where the mysterious guardian of this young man was. Little did he know that Yang Chen was no young master of some powerful clan but just a reincarnator with no background to speak of.

Nevertheless, it did not mean that he was powerless in front of these hunters. The reason why he was so unafraid while facing so many hunters was because from his viewpoint they weren't even a threat anymore.

Five Eight Star Battle Apprentice, perhaps if it was the him before purchasing that special constitution and finding the ring of that old man, he would have to be cautious around them.

"Well, I'll worry about it when the time comes".

Thus Yang Chen after hiding inside the jungle for more than two months, finally stepped outside.

The cloud city where he was headed to, was more than four hours journey from here in a carriage. During the travel, Yang Chen was able to learn that there were two other prominent cities in the north western direction from the borders of the star fall jungle from the passengers.

They also told him that the province he was currently in, was the Great Yan Province, named after one of the top five clans of this empire who controlled it.

They gave him a weird look when he asked them that, but in the end, he was also able to learn about the country he was in.

It was called the Tianyun Empire. The cloud city where he was from, was just a small countryside city on the southern corner of the empire. Compared to the other big cities like Yan city and the Snow city, it wasn't even much prosperous.

The only reason it was extant, was because of its trade. Due to the city's proximity to the star fall jungle, hunters often went there to exchange the demonic beast corpse that they hunted. If not for this reason, cloud city would have been just a town.

"Alright everyone, we are here. Get down" the driver of the carriage spat as the carriage came to a stop in front of the city gate.

Soldiers wearing armour checked the identities of all the people before allowing them in.

This was a check post, one wasn't allowed to ride a carriage beyond this point. Your support means a lot!! Please use your power stones to vote for the novel.
