Chapter 73- How Many Can You Buy? (2)

73 Chapter 73- How Many Can You Buy? (2)

Lin Mang thought that whatever demonic beats this person would bring out would definitely be unordinary; however, even though he was prepared, he was still stunned when he saw the corpse that Yang Chen had taken out.

"That aura, that black fur that shines like steel, those sharp claws and fangs not to mention its size. There is no mistaking it, this is a Black Barghest".

When Lin Mang muttered the race of the beast, the hall became eerily silent at this moment. The experts of the Lin family auction house who have dedicated their life appraising carcases of the demonic beasts, felt their jaws dropping when they heard that name.

This was their first time looking at the appearance of this beast with their own eyes. A black Burghest is said to be a Battle Master class Demonic Beast that could only be found inside the inner regions of the star fall jungle. ally even a young barghest who was only just born would be at the level of one star battle master class. As they grow in age and size, their level also increases. That is to say, the power of the black barghest is directly equivalent to its size.

And given how big this corpse is, it could easily be guessed that the Demonic Beast when alive was at least a Two Star or higher levelled.

To be able to hunt a Battle Master class beast not to mention a black bArghest at that, the robed person had to be a powerful master. Coming at this train of thought, Lin Mang couldn't help but laugh dryly.

'No wonder he showed no reaction when getting exposed to my battle master class aura earlier. It turns out that he was stronger than me'. The owner of the establishment thought in his head as he started appraising the corpse of the demonic beast.

"The fur hasn't been damaged much, the corpse is still fresh. Its blood, fangs and other important parts are all in top condition. Given all these, it will sell for a lot. Hmm, let's see... how does 20 gold profound stones sound?" Lin Mang evaluated.

The moment he said those words, the crowd was stunned once again. Twenty gold profound stones, it was by no means an ordinary amount. If compared, it would be the annual income of a middle class family in the cloud city and this black robed person had earned that amount just by exchanging a single beast.

"About ten" Yang Chen spoke rubbing his nose.

That was a lie, he had other corpses like the purple demonic leopard who were in no way inferior to the black Burghest in his ring. However, he did not reveal their existence yet because he felt like he would stir too much of a commotion if he did so.

If they were already so surprised by looking at the carcass of a single demonic beast like the Blakc barghest, how would they react if they saw his pile?

Taking out ten for now should be enough or so Yang Chen thought. However, he had still underestimated the shock revealing a small portion of his stock would cause.

Who knew when, but at some unknown point in time, the entire hall had turned dead silent after yang chen muttered those words. Even Lin Mang was tongue tied and unable to respond for a while.

"Cough... cough" his merchant skills soon kicked in as Lin Mang gestured something to the guards with his eyes.

Immediately the guards sprang into action and drove away everyone in the hall leaving behind only the experts, Yang Chen and Lin Mang.

After the hall was empty, Lin Mang coughed once again and directed his business like smile towards Yang Chen as he spoke.

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