Chapter 79- An Eye for an Eye

Chapter 79- An Eye for an Eye

As he thought, his only safest option was to get out of here. Yang Chen immediately got out of the bath, donned his clothes and used the [Traceless Shadow Advent] skill to slip out of the place.

Now that the staff of the whole inn was alerted, it was better for him to roam outside. He would come back after the situation settled down.

Fortunately, other than the girl herself, nobody else had seen his face. He would be able to go back once things calms down at the inn and use some ruse to fool them.

With that in mind, Yang Chen roamed the streets of cloud city with nothing to do in particular. As the time was of the evening, various stalls selling food, opened their business attracting customers from all over.

Yang Chen too was drawn over by the delicious aroma and couldn't help but try each and every dish that fancied him.

With the sum of money he had with him, he didn't have to worry about anything. Besides most of these foods didn't cost more than ten bronze profound stones anyways.

Yang Chen tried food from every stall, he was voraciously devouring down his food when suddenly he felt his emotions being stirred all of a sudden.

These emotions weren't just your normal emotions that one would get after eating a delicious food, but violent, intense feelings of hatred and fury.

He had this sudden murderous urge to kill someone. It was as if emotions deep within him were surfacing up and it took him a hell lot of effort to suppress them down.

What was going on, why would his emotions act up all of a sudden? Just as he was about to question that to himself, he found the answer right in front of him.

Yang Chen looked at Zhang Hua, from his aura he could tell that the man was only a Six Star Battle Apprentice. A level that could be considered an ant from his perspective. He could end the other person's life in an instant if he wanted to but there was no fun in it, instead, he had something else planned for him.

Since he had the memories of the previous owner of the body, he remembered every crime and misdoings this person had committed. Yang Chen was going to make him pay for everything that he had done.

Finishing his food, he quickly disappeared from the place. Following the memories inside him, he next appeared in front of a huge manor that was located at the heart of the city.

A big plaque was placed near the gates of the manor that read Zhang Clan in big bold words. Yes, Yang Chen was currently in front of the place the previous owner of this body hated the most and had so many bad memories of.

The stirring emotions within him that threatened to overwhelm him were proof enough. Yang Chen calmed his emotions down and activated the [Traceless Shadow Advent].

Black tendrils emerged from his shadows and engulfed him within after which he nimbly sneaked into the manor. The guards at the front gate weren't even able to sense him walking past them.

After infiltrating the Zhang clan, Yang Chen headed straight for the quarters of the disciplinary elder based on his memories.

He used the [Map] to avoid running into any people on the way and after a couple of minutes, he was in front of the courtyard where the disciplinary elder lived.

The place was lit by lamps and had very simplistic decorations. Yang Chen's improved senses picked up a few presences inside and immediately alerted him alerted him.

One of them especially had a strong presence that was no weaker than his own.

"Two Star Battle Master... this person must be the disciplinary elder" It was impossible for the previous Yang Chen to tell the strength of the disciplinary elder. However, now that he had stepped into the Battle Master realm himself, it wasn't all that hard for him to recognise other people's strength as long as they were weaker or around his level.