Chapter 88- Trying Out Alchemy For The First Time

88 Chapter 88- Trying Out Alchemy For The First Time

The last requirement but not the least, was a Core Stone. Core stone is the nuclei of a demonic beast. Just like its name suggests, it is their very core in which most of their powers and energy reside.

It is said that the energy inside a Core Stone is so berserk and wild that it possesses enormous risk for humans to absorb it. Even powerful practitioners, without sufficient preparations, wouldn't dare to absorb it directly. That being said, the Core Stone is one of the key ingredients in alchemy. It might be filled with berserk energy, but when refined by an alchemist with other herbs and natural resources, it becomes much milder and easier to absorb when turned into a pill.

The Core Stones has many uses, it is not only used as the key ingredient in alchemy, but also in weapon crafting. A weapon that has been fused with a Cores Stone possesses more destructive power and may even display attributes and abilities of the demonic beast the core stone was harvested from. Fôll0w current novÊls on n/o/(v)/3l/b((in).(co/m)

Other than that, Core Stones are also used in armour crafting, rune crafting and such. Each profession has its own way of using the core stones.

As such, core stones are one of the most sought out materials in this world. It also determines the price of a corpse of a demonic beast. A demonic beast corpse with its core stone missing, would only fetch one third of its initial price.

Though it depended on the race and rarity of the demonic beast, in most of the cases it was always like that. It was also because of this reason that the Black Barghest corpses that he sold, were valued more than 20 gold profound stones each.

The core stone itself was more than 12 gold profound stones in value.

It turned out that cores stone had such a huge market, especially the higher ranking core stones. The market for such core stones was so huge that the demand had long surpassed the supply.

Whenever a high raking core stone popped up in the market it was immediately purchased. It was no wonder there were so many hunter groups that specialised in killing demonic beasts near the star fall jungle, a core stone had such allure after all.

That being said, there was a reason why the supply of core stones was always unable to meet the demand.

That was because it was not so easy to hunt demonic beasts. Not only the demonic beasts became more cunning the higher their strength was, they also start gaining more abilities. And because of their tough bodies and bloodline, they are in most cases more powerful than the humans at the same level.

Next, the flame slowly turned the materials into liquid and further refined it until all the impurities were out of it. Then all the liquids were thrown into the cauldron where they slowly came closer and mixed together.

Both of his hands were moving around performing complex tasks, one controlling the heat of the flames and the medicinal liquids while the other controlling the cauldron.

Yang Chen simply sat there marvelling at the magic of the skill, he did not even need to do anything consciously, everything was being controlled by his subconscious mind.

Every process, every detail, thanks to the skill was performed to perfection and after an hour, there was a green ball of liquid smaller than a marble, silently floating inside the cauldron.

If it was the previous Yang Chen before reading that book, he would have thought that the pill was already done given how bountiful the energy released by that liquid was. But far from it, the real process was only just starting.

After mixing the liquid together, Yang Chen subconsciously took out the core stone from a three star demonic beast corpse that he had already harvested beforehand and threw it inside the cauldron.

Whoosh... the moment the core stone landed in the cauldron, a wild berserk energy released out of it and threatened to destroy the liquid ball of energy that he had already condensed.

Immediately, battle energy that was pouring out of his body towards the cauldron, increased and trapped energy barring it from running amok.

From then on, the flame did its part and slowly refined the core stone. This part took him more than one hour alone and before long, the core stone had disappeared, turned into a gaseous form of energy that was now slowly entering and being entrapped within the ball of liquid.

Finally, the process was entering its final stage.

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