Chapter 49- Arriving At The Martial Alliance Academy

Name:The Growth of a Titan Author:

49 Chapter 49- Arriving At The Martial Alliance Academy

Sol looked around, completely surprised.

They had appeared inside a forest, however, Sol could tell they weren't in the Ibbian Mountain Range base of the unfamiliar shrubberies in the area. Plus he didn't sense any Spirit Essence in the surroundings, just an abundance of Aether he had never felt before.

In an instant, the pain coming from Sol's lungs faded away when he breathed in the Aether-filled air.

However, Sol soon came back to his senses and looked down at Little Zeel in his arms.

"Little Zeel, are you okay?"


Sol patted Little Zeel's head while his hand glowed with a green light.

"There, you should feel a bit better."


While Sol comfort Little Zeel, the old man began carving runes below them once again.

Without glancing up he commented.

"Perhaps you should have left that Beast inside the Mountain Range. It might not be able to handle the change in environment."

"Awoo! Awoo!"

Little Zeel instantly perked up after the old man said that.

"Haha, that's right, my Little Zeel is strong."

The old man frowned but said nothing.

After some time, he began forming hand sighs to activate the teleportation runes.

With a flash from the runes, they were teleported once again.


As soon as Sol's vision cleared up, he couldn't help but shake from the sudden coldness in the surroundings. The debut release of this chapter happened at Ñòv€l-B1n.

It was like Sol had just been dumped into a bone-freezingly cold river.

Looking around, Sol saw nothing but white fog.

"What is this?"

Sol said glancing down at the white stuff below him.

"Brat, are you talking about the snow?"

The old man paused when he was about to inscribe runes once again and turned to look at Sol skeptically.

"Is that what's it's called?"

Seeing how Sol and Little Zeel were looking at the snow in the surroundings with amazed expressions, the old man blinked.

He then realized he might have messed up.

'Did I not teach him about things like this?'

"There's no need to announce my visit, is there?"

The guard's mouth immediately clamp shut.

Then ignoring the guard his Master entered through the gate.

Sol who was following close behind, was surprised by how thick the wall was. It must be around thirty meters thick.

The cacophony of noise they made entered Sol's ears as his Master landed some distance away.


"Brat, we're here. I want you to climb these steps, after, you'll reach the Martial Alliance Academy Upon reaching the other side of the gate, Sol's once darkened vision brightened. He had to close his eyes for a moment, but when his eyes adjusted Sol was stumped by what he saw.

In the sky, numerous people on swords flew by. Some came landing beside him to leave through the gate.

Sol couldn't help but observe them with curious eyes as they did.

When he was done with that he moved his focus on the buildings in the surroundings.

They were large, several stories tall.

Sol could also see the names of the buildings written on top of their entrances, and even though these names didn't mean anything to him, they still look grand in his eyes.

Sol then glance at the people leaving these buildings, and surprisingly he saw that most of these people were youths, either around his age or slightly older than him.

They were dressed neatly, and they all had people following behind them while carrying expensive-looking items.

One thing Sol noticed was that these youths wore robes with similar designs on the back.

The design was the head of a golden dragon that was roaring towards the sky. As for the dragon's tail, it wrapped around the robes themselves.

Sol got the feeling the design was meant to signify that these youths were dragons about to soar to the heavens.

Noticing Sol's gaze, a few of them paused, taken aback by his looks. But upon realizing his plain robes, looks of curiosity appeared in their eyes.

Sol's handsome appearance was too much of a contrast with his ordinary-looking robes.

It's as if a prince was trying to dress like a commoner.

It was a really strange sight.

However, these youths soon turned away. It wasn't as if they hadn't seen weirder things before, just that Sol had slightly caught their attention.

"Brat, what did I say about staring like a fool? You're making me look like an embarrassment."

After saying that, the old man unceremoniously grabbed Sol by the waist of his pants and flew into the air.

Little Zeel hand long went to hide in Sol's robes.

After flying for some time, Sol saw a large mountain in the distance.

Upon coming closer to this mountain, he saw that there was a long flight of stairs leading up to its peak.

At the base of this mountain, an endless sea of people were gathered.

The cacophony of noise they made entered Sol's ears as his Master landed some distance away.

"Brat, we're here. I want you to climb these steps, after, you'll reach the Martial Alliance Academy entrance."