Chapter 4: Choices

Name:The Guardian gods Author:
Chapter 4: Choices

His realm is the only safe place for him around the sun but still not safe for others except for the creatures born in it, no matter that we are divine beings getting close to the sun will be just like retelling the tale of icarus

He stopped talking and looked at both me and Mahu " The reason for this meeting was because, it was meant for of a fair division of the lands and also to inform you on how to create new creatures for this planet"

"Keles and Jaus have no need for lands because of specific reasons so the lands is left for me, you and Mahu"

After saying that, his hands glowed for a bit before tapping the table and with that a projection of the planet appeared.

"I have quite an interest in developing the west" he said before tossing the projection to me.

I held the projection, thinking to myself about the dilemma that I am facing right now. I have no idea which land I should choose because it hasn't been long since I was born and I haven't explored this world yet.

I could hold off on choosing a land and choose one after I have explored this world, but first let me take a look at this projection. Maybe I can find a land that is acceptable for me.

Examining the projection closely, I realized that it was more than just a mere projection. The creatures and landscapes within it appeared alive, as if I were gazing into a mirror reflecting the actual planet. The projection unveiled a world with four massive continents, each double the size of those found on the previous Earth. These continents were primarily classified as the East, West, North, and South, with occasional smaller islands scattered throughout.

Zooming in, you could see the humans in their village discussing, nothing was stationary in the projection. From what I have seen in the projection the humans have split into different regions and that led to the people looking different.

Using classification from my last world, there were blacks, white, brown and others with asian features. They all looked that way depending on their region but one thing they all had in common was how backward they were.

Also none of them has developed any magical abilities, even with how abundant the mana in this world have. Yes, this world has a magical energy in it called "Mana" and this world has a lot of it because according to Nana, after she gained consciousness the vast chaos gave her a gift which came in the form of mana.

This gift was common whenever a world gains consciousness but the gift was also a curse because of the people out there wanting to harvest this new wave of huge mana.

So it was a surprise that no one among the humans have learned to use the huge amount of energy around them, the projection shows a lot of creatures that have mutated because of the energy and gained abilities.

The second being resembled an amphibian, with their arms crossed and eyes closed, seemingly immersed in a profound slumber, as if communing with the dream world itself.

The third being, though initially appearing morbid and associated with death, possessed an inexplicable allure that drew acceptance from those who dared to gaze upon its peculiar visage. Its appearance, once disconcerting, became strangely normalized and even fascinating.

The fourth being exuded a mischievous energy, bearing an ape-like form with outstretched arms from which sprouted both thriving and withering plants, embodying the cycle of life and decay in a playful dance.

The last being who can only be described as breathtaking is holding what will scare anyone if a closer look isn't taken, she seems to hold a small world in her hands while occasionally swiping at it with deep interest but the interest seems to be forgone when said being squashed the small world and turned it it to small light spots.


When Mahu was done, she crushed the projection turning it to dots of lights that slowly disappeared.

"I guess you have both made your choice" Crepuscular said, causing the other two gods to look at both me and Mahu, waiting to hear our choices.

The time Mahu took to make her choice gave me enough time to think things through and what my choice would be.

" I chose the east where I was born" My choice didn't get any reaction from the other so we all turned to Mahu to hear what she had to say.

"My choice is the north," she said.

"With that out of the way, Let me inform you on how creation for gods our level goes" Crepuscular said.

At our level of new gods, Creating living things out of thin air is obviously impossible so we have to do it the natural way, meaning that we have to pick and mate with a magical creature with enough intelligence.

According to Crepuscular, after he got the mission from Nana to create things. He was stumped on what to do but he got enlightened when he saw how human beings and other creatures give birth to new life.

That got him to think if creatures lower than him are able to easily bring forth new life then why can't he do the same as a god, but after he finally understood how to create new life. He couldn't find a way to test his hypothesis.

There was no other divine being beside him to help with the problem he was facing, so he had to make do with the magical creatures. It was then that he came across an intelligent huge bird that has a strong affinity for flame and was able to communicate with him on a spiritual level.