Chapter 11: Price

Name:The Guardian gods Author:
Chapter 11: Price

You see, my transformation is far from ordinary. When I undergo a transformation, I assume the complete embodiment of whatever form I have taken. For instance, if I transform into a snake, I adopt the exact behaviors and characteristics of a snake, blending seamlessly with the rest of its kind. Instead of resisting or suppressing the animalistic nature within me, I embrace it, allowing it to guide my actions and ensuring that I do not stand out as different.

" How am I different ?

She moved closer to me touching my face and body, I let her do what she wanted before she sat back down " You look like everyone but at the same time, you look like you don't belong here"

She said and pointed down the tree where the other primates were, she then continued " You blend in perfectly with the surrounding like it was meant to be but when you gather with us a flaw appears"

Interested in what she is saying I said " Flaw?

"Yes and a deep one at that" she paused and then pointed at herself and the other primates. The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

"I am different from them, yet I remain connected to their essence.You, on the other hand, are not one of us because I feel like them when you are around. It is clear to me that my situation is rare within my species.

When you appeared I thought maybe I am as unique as I thought but with further observation something seems off and your peculiar abilities, such as the one we are currently employing, serve as confirmation of your dissimilarity to us. So, I am compelled to ask: Who or what are you?"

Not in a hurry to answer hear " What do you mean when you said that you feel like them when i am around"

"I am different from them because of my intelligence but with you around, my intelligence seems like nothing, also because your eyes around us are the same eyes I have when I talk with them"

"Oh, what type of eyes is that"

Now she looks even more intrigued " What is it that i can be a help of to someone of your power"

Meeting her gaze, I decided to be forthright. "I require your partnership in procreation."

Confusion washed over her face, and she responded, "That's it?"

"Yes but it comes at a price"

"What's the price"

"You dying in the process of birth"

Seeing her fall into silence, I sensed that she needed some time for contemplation. "Take your time to think it through, and let me know your answer," I said before swiftly descending from the tree, leaving her to her thoughts.

Crepuscular made it sound easy when he told us the creature he found was totally with the idea but I guess that the creature intelligence wasn't as high as this female primate.

Fear of death is a characteristic that sets most intelligent creatures apart from normal animals. If she doesn't agree to the proposition, I will have no choice but to return to the tigers. While they are not what I desire, their powerful bodies and combat instincts can compensate for certain aspects.

Lost in my thoughts, I suddenly sensed a projectile launched in my direction. However, before it could hit me, it was swiftly halted mid-air. I looked towards the source and saw the female primate gesturing for me to come.

With a spring in my step, I swiftly ascended the tree, filled with anticipation for her response. Finally reaching the top, I found her seated there. I walked closer and took a seat beside her

She began speaking, "I have witnessed many of my kind perish, and I've always known that death was a natural part of life, something they didn't fear. But the more I witness it, the more death itself terrifies me. So, when death is presented to me in the form of a proposition, I find myself frozen in hesitation."

With no immediate response, I remained silent, allowing her words to settle in. Her questions about the impending outcome weighed heavily on my mind. "How will I die? Will you be the one to kill me?" she asked, seeking clarification.

I explained to her, my voice filled with a mixture of gravity and understanding, "The child will be the one to bring about your demise, not out of its own will, but because you will be giving birth to a half-divine being. The energy required for its birth cannot be sustained by your body alone, leading to your body burning itself out to ensure the survival of the baby. It is through this process that your life will come to an end"